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  1. Sherri R Mewha says:

    Beautiful writing, Christina. Thank you for this heart-lifting testimony of God’s faithfulness in overcoming your doubts and questions about your calling and revealing His plan for you and the special gifts He has given you. It is a message that speaks to our spirits.

    You are an encouragement and blessing to me and many others. May God continue to use you in mighty ways to build His Kingdom. May He bless the work of your hands, the words you write, and the message of your life.

    “Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself [herself] be watered.” Proverbs 11:25 (ESV)

    1. Christina Kimbrel says:

      Thank you so much for your encouragement, Sherri! I love that we are growing and learning together in the same Growth Group, and I look forward to seeing you in just a few weeks at Speak Up.

  2. Yvonne Ortega says:

    Great job, Kristina Kimbrel.

    1. Christina Kimbrel says:

      Thank you, Yvonne!

  3. Kelly Hall says:

    Christina, This is powerful and very helpful!! I think we can all relate to imposter syndrome attacks. I love your heart and I love the story He is writing in your life. Thank you for blessing us with this encouragement!

    1. Christina Kimbrel says:

      Thank you for your encouragement, Kelly. Hope to see you at the conference this year.

  4. Kim Cusimano says:

    Christina, I met you the first year you came to Speak Up. I think we were in the same writer critique group. Your testimony was and is powerful! God’s glory and story shine through you.
    This is a great word you’ve shared about imposter syndrome. Three great steps for us to hold on to and use when the negative thoughts come. Thank you!
    See ya soon!

    1. Christina Kimbrel says:

      Thank you, Kim, for your encouragement. I remember meeting you at that critique group, and I am so blessed that we are still running into each other two years later as we continue to grow and learn together! See you in just a couple of weeks.

  5. Thank you for this extraordinary blog, Christina. It’s so important for us to know how to combat the lies of the enemy. Your testimony is powerful and I’m so blessed to see the way God is expanding your ministry through written and spoken words. You are in my prayers as you keep saying, “Yes,” to His next steps for you.

    1. Christina Kimbrel says:

      Thank you for your encouragement, Carol. I have learned so much at Speak Up. I love that I am constantly being challenged to grow and stretch myself. One of the best things about it is that I can now use the tools and nuggets of wisdom I have picked up to encourage other writers and speakers along the way. You, Gene, and the Speak Up faculty are in my prayers for strength and safe travels. See you soon.

  6. Rachel Overton says:

    I’m so proud of you and what God is doing through you, Christina.