About Us
The Speak Up Conference equips emerging Christian speakers and writers to create global ministry impact.

We provide keynote sessions and workshops that prepare conferees to spread the gospel and build up the body of Christ through writing and speaking effectively.

We are dedicated to helping you grow your speaking and writing skills in a friendly, encouraging, Christ-focused atmosphere.

Participants also connect with a network of professional faculty members who are committed to communicating God’s truth with the excellence He deserves.

Our trained professionals care about your personal growth and are passionate about equipping you to serve the Lord effectively.
Speak Up’s History
Carol Kent was finishing up a fruitful season of ministry as a Teaching Leader for a Bible Study Fellowship class. She realized many women in the class had powerful testimonies but didn’t know how to concisely share their stories with a gospel application.
There were also women in the class who loved God’s Word but were apprehensive about selecting an aim, creating an outline, finding support material, and working on a challenging conclusion.
With a background as a speech and English teacher, combined with her work as a Director of Women’s Ministries in a large church, the Holy Spirit prompted her to invite a small group of women to her home to begin a six-week training which eventually became the Speak Up Conference.
Following the first class, she taught day and evening classes in her church, and then she was invited to a church hosting pastors and wives from all over the country. Carol taught the pastors’ wives the basics of developing Christ-centered presentations, inserting illustrations and additional support material, and delivering those messages in a dynamic way.
Taking Speak Up On The Road
That led to opportunities to take the Speak Up training on the road beginning in the fall of 1983. As interest and attendance grew, it was apparent that Christian speakers needed to write, and writers needed to speak to multiply the number of people who hear God’s truth.
It’s through blogs, articles, and books that allows us to change lives by the power of the Holy Spirit across the globe.
In 2012, it was time to add a Writers’ Track and offer it alongside the Speakers’ Track, with the help of many additional faculty members.
Participants were eager to connect with author and speaker mentors. Many wanted to meet with industry professionals, which included acquisition editors, publishers, literary agents, and platform-building specialists. They wanted to understand the differences between trade books, self-published books, and hybrid books.
Then COVID hit, and we were forced to “go virtual” in 2020 and 2021. Instead of slowing down, the ministry grew. It doubled in size, and attendees came from 46 states and 12 countries. Bonnie Emmorey does an extraordinary job as our conference director.
How Speak Up Is Going Today
In 2022 we offered our first in-person conference following the pandemic and added a virtual option for the training. During the past three years we expanded to offer MasterMind and Intensive Coaching Groups for speakers, writers, and leaders, with Rachel Wojo as the director of that part of the ministry.
In the fall of 2022, we began offering the Speak Up Speaker Certification Course. Participants are invited to sign up for a six-weeks course that enables them to fine-tune their Signature Keynote Presentation, with verbal assignments that are critiqued. At the conclusion of the course, they receive a certificate of completion and a digital logo for their websites.
Speak Up Ministries was founded on this scripture: “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” 2 Timothy 2:2 NIV
Our goal is to multiple the number of leaders, speakers, and writers who are equipped for global evangelism and Bible teaching. We hope you’ll join us.
From The SpeakUp Community
This conference can be life-changing for you, but don’t just take our word for it.