Sharing our stories is a bold act of obedience, peppered with courage, and served up on a plate of faith-filled vulnerability.
It’s a big deal, isn’t it? And a hefty responsibility.
Our heart’s desire is to point people to the unstoppable Jesus. And our goal is to help make Jesus famous—to offer our listeners and readers real hope. Real life.
The magnitude of this challenge is not lost on me, and if I’m completely honest, I’ve been scared a lot on this journey.
Maybe you know what I mean.
I’ve been afraid to use my story—all of it, in whatever way the Lord leads. I’ve been fearful of rejection, pushback, getting it wrong—being vulnerable. And I’ve been really scared about misrepresenting the One I love.
For me, shame has piggybacked on fear and declared me unsuitable. This destructive duo told me about the raised eyebrows, back row grumbling, and headshaking of the people who heard the ugly bits and pieces of my story.
Fear is the great silencer. It’s the painfully common obstacle separating us from where we are and where God wants to take us.
Recently, while in my devotions, I found myself wrestling with my calling. Through tears I told God I didn’t like my story—and I wondered if perhaps He could have someone else do what He was asking of me.
Have you ever done this?
Have you ever been afraid to step into your calling and carry your story with open hands so God can freely use it as He needs to?
Let me share with you what happened that day in my devotions—it was a pivot point that changed everything for me.
Like a gentle, oh-so-patient father, I heard Him ask, Nicole, can I trust you with what I’ve entrusted to you?
The King of the Universe was asking His child a very pointed question. The One Who had reached into my darkest valley, carried me through deep, cavernous heartbreak, and then restored and redeemed every area of my life had a question.
And I had to come up with an answer.
Could He trust me with the story He allowed me to carry?
Jesus was asking if I was willing to do what has been assigned to me. Even if it was hard. Even if I was scared.
Because it’s not about having a nice story, is it? It’s not about looking like we’ve got it all together.
It’s about standing with our Redeemer in the mission of bringing His people Home.
And while fear tries to derail us, or shame declares us ill-equipped, not good enough, or too messy—Jesus asks us to be trustworthy anyway.
He calls us to turn our backs on fear and lock eyes with Him. He calls is to be good stewards of the story. Good stewards of His story. He asks us to be obedient. To trust Him—even when our story is jagged—especially then.
Because it’s not about us—thank goodness—it’s about Him. And it’s not so much about the wreck as it is about the rescue—the Rescuer.
And in every way, when we harness our courage, step out in obedience, and trust God to do what He says He’ll do, we get a front row seat to His display of “immeasurably more. “
He never asks His kids to do any of this alone. And if He has entrusted us with a heavy story, then He has full intentions of carrying it with us.
We can trust Him.
My friend, can He trust you with the story He’s given to you?
Let’s shout a collective “Yes!”
A declaration to our Savior:
Yes, Lord!
You can trust me with the story you’ve entrusted to me.
You can trust me to point people to the cross through the message You’ve built into my life.
You’ve handed this story to the right person. And I’m ready.
Oh, and by the way Lord, thank you for my story—it’s an honor to be a messenger for You.
Question: What happened when you trusted God enough to share your hard story with someone else?
Are you interested in joining a like-minded group of women in a Peer-to-Peer MasterMind Group or in an Intensive Coaching Group? Put your name on the waitlist here to get more information on the possibility of joining one of our April through June groups.
Beautifully powerful, Nicole. Another great piece of writing filled with truth.
Beautifully powerful, Nicole. Another great piece of writing filled with truth.
Great message Nicole!! Thanks for sharing what God is guiding you in and being open to His leading. You have encouraged me!
Thank you Kim! You’re such a blessing.
Great message Nicole!! Thanks for sharing what God is guiding you in and being open to His leading. You have encouraged me!
Thank you Kim! You’re such a blessing.
Wow, Nicole. You are such a Blessing ❣️ to our family
God’s timing is so perfect.
Wow, Nicole. You are such a Blessing ❣️ to our family
God’s timing is so perfect.
Jesus picked an amazingly beautiful woman, inside and out, to steward your story and His message.
Jesus picked an amazingly beautiful woman, inside and out, to steward your story and His message.