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  1. Thank you for this timely help! I’m working on this right now and feeling a bit inept. One question – if I create a private FB group for my Launch Team, will I be able to post there for them to share on social? I don’t think so – but I’m not sure what to do.
    May God bless your socks off today, sister.
    Tess Scott

  2. Thank you for this timely help! I’m working on this right now and feeling a bit inept. One question – if I create a private FB group for my Launch Team, will I be able to post there for them to share on social? I don’t think so – but I’m not sure what to do.
    May God bless your socks off today, sister.
    Tess Scott

  3. Yes, It was a great experience. I received the book “Hang on Let go” by Frank Viola prior to the release date. Read it and was thrilled to recommend the book which I know will help anyone whose life has just fallen apart. It was fun getting updates and praying and supporting the process.

  4. Yes, It was a great experience. I received the book “Hang on Let go” by Frank Viola prior to the release date. Read it and was thrilled to recommend the book which I know will help anyone whose life has just fallen apart. It was fun getting updates and praying and supporting the process.