By Susan Call
Have you felt that unmistakable nudge to write? If you’re like most people when you realize that there’s a blog in your spirit – suddenly your excitement is slammed by fear. What if no one reads it? What if it isn’t good enough? What if the technology is too complicated? Friend, there’s but one thing to do – start. And, if you’ve started before then restart or continue. When God nudges you, answer the call. Write! The encouragement God’s given you is meant to be shared.
Blogging doesn’t need to be complicated. These easy steps can help you get started or improve your blog and its reach.
- Find a blogging platform that works for you.
If you are completely new to blogging, your first step will be to find a blogging platform. Popular platforms include Wordpress, Blogger, and Weebly. Check out free resources for the platform you choose through the provider or on YouTube. Once you have a platform, you are ready to start.
- Use High Quality Images.
High quality images will help make your content appealing to readers. You can use your own photos or public domain images. There are a number of free sites you can use for your images. Unsplash, Pixabay, and Splitshire are just a few. Be creative when you search for images. For example, if you’re writing a post on overcoming, search for weary or for victorious. When you do so, you’ll likely find an image that helps convey what your reader is or will feel. Warning: Do not use internet searches to find photos for your posts as the images returned may be protected by copyright law.
- Write with scan-ability in mind.
Today more than ever, readers are on the go. We’re consuming content on phones and tablets as much or more than using laptops or computers. Our contact needs to be presented in such a way that people can grab the key points and encouragement on the go. Use subtitles, bullet points, and numbered lists to help provide clear takeaways and highlight key content.
- Embrace Sales Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO sounds far more complicated than it actually is. Google, Siri, Alexa, and Bing are all search engines. SEO allows people using those search methods to find your content. A few great ways to consider SEO:
- Write powerful headlines. You can check your title before posting at The higher the score, the stronger your headline. Most readers will decide if they should read your post or not, simply based on the title. Take time to give it a title that will pull them in.
- Use tags. What words will someone plug into a search when looking for the content you’re posting? Use of tags also referred to as hashtags, will help readers find your content. Having trouble coming up with tags to use? Check out AllHashtag for their hashtag suggestions. Strive to use at least 11 tags with your posts. Instagram will allow you to use up to 30 tags. Why not use them to help people you?
- Adopt an attitude of growth.
Start where you are and go, or grow from there. The landscape of blogging will continue to evolve but that doesn’t need to intimidate you. Network with other bloggers to find out what they’re learning and doing. Each nugget you learn is a building block that will come together to help you build a stronger blogging platform. Use conferences such as Speak Up to connect, learn new techniques, and grow. It will help you reach the audience God intends for you to impact for Him! Not registered yet? Register today! I look forward to seeing you there.

I love this Susan! Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
Thanks Carol! Always happy to share the tips I’ve learned along the way.
I love this Susan! Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
Thanks Carol! Always happy to share the tips I’ve learned along the way.
Thank you Susan. I’m right on the edge of sticking my toes in the water! I’m scared and excited at once. You’ve given some solid groundwork.
Thank you Susan. I’m right on the edge of sticking my toes in the water! I’m scared and excited at once. You’ve given some solid groundwork.
Great tips SUSAN!
Thanks Heather!
Great tips SUSAN!
Thanks Heather!
Very helpful information for anyone who is beginning a blog, or wanting to make a blog more effective. Thanks so much, Susa!
Thanks Carol! I love being part of the Speak Up family. Love learning and sharing tips. blessings, Susan
Very helpful information for anyone who is beginning a blog, or wanting to make a blog more effective. Thanks so much, Susa!
Thanks Carol! I love being part of the Speak Up family. Love learning and sharing tips. blessings, Susan
Great info, Susan! It sounds like that is going to be a great class at Speak Up this year!
Thanks Bonnie! I’m really looking forward to bringing a session jam-packed with equipping tips. Can’t wait! It will be here before we know it!
Great info, Susan! It sounds like that is going to be a great class at Speak Up this year!
Thanks Bonnie! I’m really looking forward to bringing a session jam-packed with equipping tips. Can’t wait! It will be here before we know it!
Thanks Susan… just what I needed!
Glad to hear it Ruth. It can seem overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be. Blessings!
Thanks Susan… just what I needed!
Glad to hear it Ruth. It can seem overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be. Blessings!
Great tips! Thank you, Susan Call.
Thanks Yvonne, Glad you found them helpful. Blessings!
Great tips! Thank you, Susan Call.
Thanks Yvonne, Glad you found them helpful. Blessings!