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Athena Dean Holtz

Publisher – Redemption Press

Athena Dean Holtz serves as founder and publisher at Redemption Press in Enumclaw, WA where her Romans 8:28 Books & Gifts is one of the few remaining independent Christian bookstores in Western Washington.

Get To Know Athena

The life story of Athena Dean Holtz is a tale of a search for affirmation, meaning, and significance that trapped her in spiritual deception and caused her to lose everything she had. Out of the great loss of her marriage, family relationships, home, her reputation, and a twenty-year career in publishing after thirteen years in a toxic and restrictive cult, has come great restoration.

Athena Dean Holtz now uses her growing and multi-faceted platform to encourage and uplift others through sharing the faithfulness of God. Her turnaround story continues. The founder and publisher of the hybrid Redemption Press has recently been named Publisher of the Year (2022) by the Soul Cafe Awards and Best Female Podcast Host of the Year (2021) by the national Spark Media Conference. The Project Redemption Podcast uses Romans 8:28 as a theme. Her newest book co-authored with her pastor husband, Together for a Purpose: Love and Mission in Marriage and Ministry (Redemption Press, 2022) offers practical advice and encouragement for couples seeking deeper levels of connection and ministry together. The acclaimed She Writes for Him writer’s online events and community birthed out of the pandemic continues to connect, inform, and inspire writers across the globe.

Breakout Session

Publish on Purpose

Did you know Amazon limits you to uploading three books a day? This means the book market is oversaturated with poorly written manuscripts, unattractive covers, and no plan to promote. Because of poor products, consumers are looking for credibility and excellence in the books they buy. Join industry veteran and pioneer Athena Dean Holtz and learn not only how to publish well but how to have an impactful product to market to readers!

15-Minute Appointments

Publisher – Redemption Press

Bringing 30 years of industry expertise to an author-centric publishing model, Redemption Press is the “best of both worlds.” All the benefits of self-publishing, along with the support and representation of a traditional publisher. One thing I know. If you’re going to self-publish, the last thing you want to do is LOOK like you did it yourself. Your book should look and read at the same level of excellence as the largest traditional publishers, and available in all the same channels. We take the time to develop custom publishing and promotion strategies specifically for you and your message. No one size fits all at Redemption Press. We are a full service, turn key, custom publishing option providing as much or as little support as you need.

I’d love to meet with you to see if we’re a good fit for each other!

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