Hannah Howe
Editor, Unlocked Devotional (Keys for Kids Ministries)
Hannah Howe is the editor of Unlocked, a daily devotional for teens. She loves being able to share the hope of Jesus with teens around the world through a variety of genres.
Get To Know Hannah
Hannah Howe is the editor of Unlocked, a daily devotional for teens that is published in print, audio, and online/app formats by Keys for Kids Ministries. She is passionate about helping teens around the world dive into Scripture and discover how Jesus brings hope to every area of our lives. Hannah graduated from Cornerstone University and has over five years of publishing experience. She enjoys meeting with writers and offering practical suggestions for creating content for a teen audience. When she’s not editing, you might find Hannah out for a nature walk somewhere in west Michigan, biking to ice cream with her husband, or trying to remember to keep her voice down in her local library.
15-Minute Appointments
Keys for Kids Ministries is seeking submissions for our Unlocked teen devotional, a quarterly publication that uses a variety of genres—including essays, personal stories, poetry, church history, and sci-fi and fantasy stories—to help teens learn about Jesus and grow in their faith. Guidelines and submission form available at unlocked.org/writers-guidelines.
We also have a quarterly devotional for kids called Keys for Kids that offers simple yet engaging stories that help kids ages 6–12 understand the truth of God’s Word and point them to Jesus and His love for them. Find out more at keysforkids.org/writersguidelines.
Whether you have ideas for devotional pieces or just want to find out more about how you can use your unique writing voice to reach kids and teens, Hannah would be happy to meet with you.
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