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  1. Norma Bauer says:

    As a 90 year old, 65 of which have been lived as a believer, not perfectly, it has been my observation that some Christians put the cart before the horse. If our main goal is to stay close to Jesus through Bible study, prayer, fellowship with other believers, and learning to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, we will seek His will in our goals. I must add, keeping ourselves honest before God regarding known and hidden sins. Show me….should and would be a natural result of a life so lived. Show me if my goal is not Your goal. Show me if my desire is not Your desire. Does that make it easy? Absolutely not! The Christian life is not a business. It’s a life of dying daily to self in every area of life. That is not always easy, but learned. Then, all decisions, goals and whatever, will first be filtered through the One who gave everything for us, even to His agonizing death on a cross. Dying daily to ourselves in every area of life, is not easily learned, but it makes life so much more fulfilling and peace- filled and honoring to our Savior. If we blow it, we confess it and learn from it. Give Him YOU…with all your desires, goals and plans. His plans for us may be so much better than we could have planned. And looking back, once learned and implemented, life becomes much simpler and with an inner peace that is a treasure.

    1. CHERI LYNN COWELL says:

      Wisdom…I wish I could sit with you for coffee. You have a lot to share…thanks for sharing here.

  2. (Jennifer) Lynn Neely says:

    WOW Cheri! I loved your blog! It spoke to me about what I needed to hear! It is truth! I need to focus on getting to know God more AND seeing obstacles as opportunities! God Bless You and Your family in 2024 and especially for all you do. I look forward to touching base with you.

    1. CHERI LYNN COWELL says:

      That Seeing Obstacles as Opportunities is a tough one, and I don’t write it as one who has mastered it—but it is a lesson I’m learning. Thanks for writing.

  3. So much wisdom in these three opportunities for growth: getting to know God more, seeing obstacles as opportunities, and submitting to God’s sovereignty. I hope to continue prioritizing quiet times with God, not focusing on the negatives, and resting in the knowledge that God is in control and will never leave me alone and will work out all things in His timing.

  4. CHERI COWELL says:

    Barbara, you’ve outlines some great steps to help you set God-centered goals this year. And in all ways, if we acknowledge Him, we will be on the right path—together.

    Thanks for sharing!