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  1. Kelly Hall says:

    The four questions about how to support someone in ministry are stirring and timely. I’m bringing these questions to the Lord today. Thank you Kim.

    1. Kim Cusimano says:

      Kelly, thank you for sharing that those four questions ministered to you! I want to be continually mindful of those questions in the coming year. Supporting and cheering each other on makes such a difference!

  2. Thank you for this powerful blog, Kim. One of my most impactful take-aways is: “Some days, we may be doing the leading, living out our own steps of obedience. Other days, we may need to be part of someone else’s support team—one of their mighty women or men.” My prayer is that when whenever it’s my turn to be on someone else’s support team, I will come alongside and serve, cheer, and encourage that leader, speaker, or writer in the best possible way. Your insights from the 1 Chronicles passage really grabbed my heart.

    1. Kim Cusimano says:

      Carol, thank you! We all have a great example in you of how to come alongside others and be part of their support team. The whole Speak Up family has watched you cheer us on and support the ministries/outreach God has given each of us. We are blessed by a leader who leads by example!

      1. That is the truth! THANK YOU for your leadership, Carol and calling our gifts forth as you help to develop them!

  3. Victoria Chapin says:

    I absolutely love this! It’s eye opening and thought provoking. I definitely know that I need others, but sometimes have thoughts of, “what do I have to offer?” After thinking on it though, I realize that I am a little further ahead in some things than people just getting started. I’ve offered help to others out of what I do know. It excites me to see others grow! The Speak Up Growth Groups community has helped me as well as the Speaker Certification Training. I’ve leavened so much from what others contribute! Thankful!

    1. Victoria Chapin says:

      ** learned … but I guess leavened could work too since the “yeast” of my mentors has caused me to rise. In other words, I’m a little less dense :):) 🙂

      1. Kim Cusimano says:

        Victoria, thank you for sharing! I loved discovering the pattern and how often David’s mighty men were mentioned. It helps me be mindful of how much we need each other as we honor the Lord in our gifts and callings. It is really a coming together to make His name known. And yes, you have tons to offer! Your life and story have inspired me to keep keeping on. I’m glad we’ve had the opportunity to be in some groups together.
        May God bless and keep you. Merry Christmas!

  4. Service: Two of our daughters will have babies in January! I get to SERVE!
    Loyalty: Two dear friends brought me soup and red roses with baby’s breath after surgery!
    A kick in the pants: Kim Cusimano! “Write, Pam!” Love to you, Kim!

    Thank you for the body of Christ where we can give and receive! Merry Christmas!

    1. Kim Cusimano says:

      Pam, you get more done serving people in a week than some of us do in a year! I know you serve your family and so many others well.
      I’m already excited for 2024 and how being a part of each other’s “mighty (wo)men” will prompt new steps of faith and new adventures in ministry.
      Speaking of new, I want to be first on the list to read your new book! Go write those last pages before those sweet grandbabies arrive!
      Love to you and your family. Merry Christmas!