Part 1 of 2 Blogging, Membership Sites, Courses, and Digital Content
How many blog posts do you post per month? If you are like most of us, this is an area that does not get the attention it needs and often starts out strong but ends up being pushed to the side as your project matures. Today, I want to help you fix this and get back to inspiring others with your talents. By 2021, global retail e-commerce sales will reach $4.5 trillion.* Don’t miss out on this exploding opportunity to share your message and increase your income stream. During this series, we will cover why we need to blog, and tips to get it done! Then in part two of this series, we will discuss turning your content into membership sites or online courses and other digital content you can offer in the e-commerce section of your blog.
Did you know writers that post 16+ blog posts per month see an increase of website traffic that is 3.5 times more than those who only post 0 to 4 times per month? As speakers and writers, we should be able to post a blog a day, but we often have some of the worst blogs on the internet.
And that is by no means condemnation from me, as I find it applies for me too! I just want to encourage you with a few reasons to blog and blog as much as you can. I want you to get excited about creating content that draws people to your website and encourage you with ways you can turn your website into a steady income stream.
Today I want to share reasons why you should blog and two ways you can generate income from the increase in traffic to your website.
Why Should We Blog More?:
1. One out of every ten blog posts will draw unique first-time visitors through a google content search to your site—bringing you new potential followers.
2. Your blogs can be short but still useful. Save more extended content for your courses or membership areas. More than 43% of readers admit to skimming most blog posts. Using bullet points and lists are much more effective at getting your point made with shorter posts. Save your enriched content for products to sell.
3. Google is responsible for 94% of all incoming traffic. The more new original content created, the higher you will rank on the search engine. SEO does matter. And content is king for marketing.
If you want to build your brand, sell your book, bring more speaking opportunities, or build an online e-commerce platform, then you need to blog and create new content consistently.
So How Do We Do This?:
1. Write it on your calendar. If it is not written down, it does not get done!
2. Use your blog for journaling what God has put on your heart for THIS day.
3. Pray about it and ask God to help you stay focused and enrich you with content to share.
4. Read other blogs and comment on them. Join the community. When you are concentrated on blogs, it is more likely to inspire you to get busy.
5. Make a commitment to God. If you are not blogging now then 16 new blog posts might be a reach but be honest with yourself and try to do 1-2 a week to start.
6. Get disciplined and just do it! And then share it with all your Speakup Conference audience to help encourage each other to keep going!
Stay tuned! On my next blog post, I will share how to turn your blog into a platform for membership sites and online courses!
Come get techy with us! Join our 3-hour Pre-Conference session at the upcoming Speakup Conference on Thursday afternoon. We would love to review where you are and help you make a plan for your website and digital content strategy for 2019!

This is so encouraging and challenging. At a time when we’re being told blogging is “out” you’re saying our blogs still have value! I especially appreciate your tips on content and will begin applying them to my blog today, vowing to hold onto the broader stuff for future salable products. Well done! I look forward to tapping into your offerings at Speak Up!
Shawna, this post is so challenging! I especially appreciated the “So How Should We Do This?” section. Thanks for all you do to encourage Christian speakers and authors!
Appreciate you sharing your wisdom!