I was heartbroken, leaning over my computer keyboard, and crying with disbelief. I received an email from the publisher days before my manuscript was due that all new authors had been canceled due to the economic crisis.
I limped into God’s arms grieving, but believing he had a plan even though I couldn’t see it. Only God knew my world was about to come unraveled in the coming months.
In a few short weeks, I went from the disappointment of not becoming a published author, to betrayal, followed by a broken marriage, a broken ministry, and a seriously broken heart.
Falling into a deep depression, I lived in the writings of the Psalms. David penned Psalm 142 when he escaped from King Saul. Saul’s unkempt heart and raging jealousy compelled him to go after David. He chased him right into the Cave of Adullam. In the middle of this chaos, David wrote, When I am overwhelmed, you alone know the way I should turn. (v. 3)
David didn’t quit, and he used his creativity to worship God. “We don’t write because we’re strong; we write because we are weak.” says author Liz Curtis Higgs.
How do we keep writing when there is trouble on every side, and we feel exiled to the cave?
1. Continue writing.
All of us have to come through the Cave of Adullam for God to use a message for His glory. While you’re in the cave, keep writing, even if it’s in a journal. Because I promise you, someday when God calls you to put your foot into the Jordan and get that message into print, you’ll have what you need to start. You might not use all of it, but it will be there when you need it.
2. Ask for help.
In the Cave of Adullam, David sheltered with men who were:
- in distress,
- in debt,
- bitter in soul
In other words, he was dwelling in the cave with broken people just like himself. And the Bible says he became their leader. David led them even in his brokenness. Ask for help, ask for prayer, and don’t waste time sitting in the corner of the cave while you whine and cry because your dream seems shattered.
There is ministry even in the Cave of Adullam, and when God brings you broken people, point them to Jesus—even the middle of your own distress.
3. Value your unwanted pause.
David was in trouble, chased by Saul, for several years. He went in and out of caves and the wilderness before he rose as the King of Israel. Nothing will stop God’s plan for you as a writer. Not any trial, challenge, or life event. If God has destined you to write, then he will bring it to pass.
I was recovering from my dark night of the soul through hours of counseling, a recovery group, and working out the difficulties in my marriage. And even though my official publishing contract was canceled, I kept writing, asking God to help me put pen to paper,
As I wrestled, I checked to ensure I didn’t equate my identity with publishing a book. Four years later the publisher revisited my contract, and my first book was eventually published. I became a better writer because of my cave-time—and it was valuable.
4. Embrace the lessons learned while waiting for an open door.
God is training you and me as writers to show us what’s important. If we can’t prove it in the cave by trusting the giver of our gift, then what makes us think we can do it outside the cave?
Cave-time is essential, and we must embrace the lessons. Don’t despise what’s happening to you. It is purposeful, and no pain is ever wasted. John Ortberg says, “God does some of his best work in caves.”
David isn’t the only one who had cave-time. Elijah found himself sheltered in a mountain cave when God spoke to him about his next assignment. And then, think of Jesus; he was buried in a cave and conquered sin and death in the tomb. Let me say again—God does some of his best work in caves.
Don’t distress over being sent to the Cave of Adullam, because remember, while you are in the cave:
- continue writing,
- ask for help,
- value your time in the cave,
- embrace the lessons,
- believe that God is doing his best work in your life in that space.
Comment: Please share a “cave experience” of your own, or give a word of encouragement to readers who are currently waiting for God to open a door of opportunity.

Thank you for sharing your experience and encouraging others.
I have my own experiences of walking through the Valley of the shadow of death.
Many times I have felt exiled through life’s challenges and disappointments.
I journal but haven’t the slightest idea how to write a book. I know people would be encouraged and strengthened hearing how God has ministered to me in those debilitating times.
How he has brought good out of evil.
Corine Triplett
Thank you for sharing your experience and encouraging others.
I have my own experiences of walking through the Valley of the shadow of death.
Many times I have felt exiled through life’s challenges and disappointments.
I journal but haven’t the slightest idea how to write a book. I know people would be encouraged and strengthened hearing how God has ministered to me in those debilitating times.
How he has brought good out of evil.
Corine Triplett
We always think the cave is for someone else till we are in it lonely in deep pain crying praying like you never prayed in your life and not getting any answers for months then you get a little break you get some peace from God not an answer but a peaceful feeling like you know that you know that everything is going to be ok you might not know how it will work out but you just know deep inside and you feel like I can handle this just you and God and no one else to lean on till he sends those people who need to to be in your life for his purpose
Beautiful.I am encouraged
God bless you for lifting up my soul through your kind words of encouragement.
I was highly blessed.
I have never really given it a trial running to a cave to find solace but you’ve just thought me a new and better way of handling difficult moments.
Once again, God bless you.
Thank you.
I’m motivated.I’m managing.I’m meeting with God daily to thank Him for His Grace and Protection. I am a motivational speaker who survived a poisoning four years ago and experienced God’s healing power transforming my life. God will not lead you where His Grace will not keep you. God bless.
Thank you so much for sharing and for being transparent!
God gave me an assignment and it has been rough going and coming! It’s a faithwalk and to be honest I’ve been struggling financially…
However, I still believe he’s able to do what he said, and that’s take care of me so that I may take care of others–even in this cave!
Thank you again for this timely word!
God be praised!
I am not a writer but like you, am a disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ! Just wanted to say thank you for these beautiful gems that you have shared with us! I too have found myself in caves often in life, recently I lost my job and being the provider of my family, it was a very serious “cave” for me! But God, through this time, has helped get me to where I needed to be with Him! He has refined me and brought things from my heart to the surface for me to see, that I may repent. He has comforted me and helped me to see Him for who He is during this great time of hardship! I have found Him faithful and even now, it is not easy but it is much better and easier than before! knowing God has us and is most concerned about our development than anything else is comforting! He can be trusted, thank you for your encouragement!
powerful lesson.Thanks alot for the word