My Word of the Year has shaped my world in unexpected ways. You would think after all this time, choosing a specific word to navigate my goals and expectations I would enter the year with this reality. In His sovereignty, God always reveals something so much more than I ever could have dreamed.
As the page of the calendar turned to 2023, I recognized more than ever my longing to feel His presence. I needed Him desperately. Stumbling across this scene of a ladder that reached the heavens, I felt in the depth of my soul Jacob’s cry: “Surely the LORD was in this place, and I knew it not.” (Genesis 28:16)
Those words pierce my being to the very core. God is with me, and I am unaware.
I was walking into something new in 2023 as I embraced my role on the ownership team of Redemption Press. The thought excited me and yet in the depths of my soul I doubted my ability to lead confidently enough to make a kingdom impact on the world.
Not knowing all that was before me, the events of year hit me like a tidal wave. I knew the choice to become ever so aware of Him in the everyday living was a must. I needed God like I needed oxygen. Answering emails, meetings with our team, Zoom calls with authors, picking up the grands from school, and even quiet dinners with Kelley — I wanted to know that He was with me.
My desire was to return to the garden, the place where God would take an evening walk with His treasured possession, man. God was with Adam and Eve and they were with God. All was perfect in His presence.
My word for 2023 became obvious. EDEN—the place where God’s dwelling filled my heart and no rival was permitted entrance.
My one word is a simple reminder of where I’ve been and what I long to experience. It tethers my heart to the Father in all I do and say. Eden engaged my desires with a mindfulness of truth about God’s very nature.
I would love to share that life in 2023 was a blissful time in my own Eden, but I would be negligent of reality to enter that imaginary world. In truth, as each page of the calendar turned, things were just plain hard. The lush garden where I longed to reside was set on fire and I was cast out, wandering in the desert.
Well, I suppose it was bound to happen for a Genesis 3 world is the place we all currently live. How can I find Eden in a wilderness? The return of Jesus cannot come soon enough when Eden will be restored.
My journey through Eden this year was met this Christmas with an image of a familiar character quoting the shepherd’s encounter with the angels in Luke 2.
The Peanut’s character who is always seen embracing his security blanket takes the stage with these words:
An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. And the angel said to them,
What happens to Linus when the angel speaks is breathtaking. His fear is overcome by the good news:
“Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
And he drops His blanket — a symbol of fears blanketed by His presence.
The image I recall since childhood as I lay on green shag carpet watching on box television swept over my own fears. It’s not about being in Eden with Him, it’s just about being with Him. A lush garden, the dry wilderness, a dark night, or a starlit glow. His presence is there, I just need to lay down the blanket I cling to and be with Him.
Do you choose a word of the year? Giving up resolutions and making unattainable goals brought a sense of failure. But choosing a word of the year keeps my focus on Him. Watching Him direct and work it out in my life gives momentum and joy.
Question: What word shapes your goals and dreams for 2024? Pray about it, embrace it, and let me know what it is in the comments! I would love to be on this journey with you. It really is More Than Just a Word!

About Carol Tetzlaff
Carol Tetzlaff is an author and speaker who makes the Bible Approachable as she Invites You into His Story. Her passion is to see women engage in the Word and be transformed into a life of worship. She serves on the team at Redemption Press, creating content along with directing events and trainings for She Writes for Him. Her passion for excellence to bring God glory is found in everything she does. Her Bible study, Ezra, Unleashing the Power of Praise, has been part of women’s Bible study groups around the U.S. and Canada. Carol is also the virtual conference producer for the Speak Up Conference. Go to www.caroltetzlaff.com for more information and social media links. Check out Carol’s latest book More Than Just a Word to help you select a word for the year.
My word for 2024 is more than one word. It is Matthew 7:7
Ask and it shall be given to you;
Seek and you shall find;
Knock and the door will be open for you.
I’m excited to keep asking, seeking, and knocking because when I do things happen! I’m excited to see what happens in 2024 as I continue to “ASK”!
Matthew 7:7 is a great focus for your year. Would love to hear how God works in 2024 as you continue to ASK!💛
This is beautiful, Carol! Thank you for sharing. My word is DANCE. I want to dance in the sunshine. I want to dance in the rain. No matter what 2024 brings, I want to dance with joy and declare God’s glory!
Thank you! That is a beautiful word to focus on. Let me know how the dance plays out. 💛
My word is “perspective.” When I encounter a challenge, am I seeing it from God’s perspective or my own? Or the world’s? Or the enemy’s? When I see things as God does, life makes much more sense. I still might not like what I see, but I will be better equipped to handle what comes my way, knowing I’m not facing it alone.
This year I’m taking time off from my blog, seekingdivineperspective.com, to pursue other projects, but I don’t plan ever to stop seeking God’s perspective.
Perspective changes everything. Love that you are looking towards God’s perspective in all you do. What a great reminder to others and to you… all year long!
Invest is my word.
Invest in things that cause myself and others to grow in faith, knowledge, and relationships !
With investments, we sometimes learn the hard lessons when we invest incorrectly.
I love the word INVEST – I never have seen anyone pick that word before but I love your reason. And you do, indeed, invest in so much that brings glory to the kingdom. Hugs to you, my friend!
My word for 2024 is “Flourish.” My desire is to thrive and be fruitful. I want to be intentional about growing in the rich, fertile soil of God’s Word and enjoy His presence – even when it means submitting to His pruning.
Psalm 92:12-14 But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. For they are transplanted to the Lord’s own house. They flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age, they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.
That word breathes newness and life… and as we both know sometimes new life flourishes more with the pruning. Let me know how God is using this word throughout the year! 💛
My word of the year is dream. God spoke it to me. I don’t know what it looks like for a woman who just turned 58. But I’m reminded of Joel 2:27 that says the old will dream dreams.
Thank you for sharing, Denise! I love that verse in Joel and you’re never too old to dream… and 58 is still young!
My word is Prepare.
Prepare for what God is going to do.
Expectantly watching and listening as I prepare to be ready whenever God says move.
Hello my friend! Prepare sounds just right for where you are in your journey. Praying this word with you and lets watch to see Him move and work. Hugs! 💛