On the morning of November 27, 2017, this text popped in my phone with a question I never dreamed of considering:
It stopped me in my tracks. Me… publish…?
I had written and taught several Bible Studies but never considered putting them in print. Yet, with the encouragement from this sweet friend, I began my quest to write a book proposal and give a pitch. Thankfully she was with me every step of the way and taught me everything I needed to know.
Now, six years later, the Bible Study I pitched is published and has even won a few awards and I even have a few other studies in the making. But that would not have happened without my friend who reached out to me and gave me some encouragement towards attending my first conference.
Since then, I have encouraged so many friends to attend the Speak Up Conference, which now is easier than ever because Speak Up is not something you have to travel to—Speak Up comes to you!
The opportunity for this conference to be watched in your own home has opened the door for many who can’t travel for many reasons—the expense, responsibilities at home, or even the time constraints of daily life. The virtual option brings all the training, encouragement, and connections without having to put on pants!
Think about it…
- You only have to get dressed from the waist up.
- You don’t have to curl the back of your hair.
- You can hop out of bed 2 minutes before it starts.
- You can relax on the sofa without missing a beat.
But seriously…
The virtual option for the Speak Up Conference has so many benefits for those watching from the home and even those in attendance at the Prince Center.
Here are the top five reason why you NEED SpeakUp Virtual in your summer schedule:
5. You need encouragement!
The keynoters at SpeakUp will inspire your soul and challenge you to walk out your calling with confidence. The theme of Joy will resonate the stage with Debbie Alsdorf, known as the Joy-lady! Her master storytelling will reassure your heart that even in the midst of the deepest pain, you can walk in a joy-filled life. And she is just one of many who will share the platform and bring you a word of truth!
4. You need training!
SpeakUp Virtual offers over fifty teaching sessions by industry experts to help you take the next step with confidence. These trainings span every area needed to refine your writing and speaking along with a focus on ministry. And the best part—you can watch them anytime during the next year!
The panels offered at SpeakUp bring the latest advice on how to navigate the changes in the industry for writers and speakers. This up-to-date information will allow you to expand your ministry in ways that are relevant to the time in which we serve.
3. You need convenience!
The virtual conference is broadcast LIVE in our facebook group which means as soon as the session is over, you can watch it anytime—you don’t have to wait for the recordings! This allows you to work or to take care of the daily routines without missing a beat!
We will also do surprise “pop-ins” throughout the conference so you can experience all that’s happening at the Prince Center. And don’t worry if you happen to miss it LIVE, you can always watch it the next time you hop into the group.
2. You need connection!
During the virtual SpeakUp conference we work extra hard to draw you in to all that happening on site. You will receive exclusive interviews with the keynoters and faculty as they share their heart for ministry and tips for their area of expertise with the online attendees.
Then, our on-site faculty has carved out time to be a part of our ZOOM chat rooms and prayer sessions. During this time, you will not only get to talk with them, but with others who are attending the conference. This is the place where lifelong friendships are made.
1. You need to invite a friend!
Because of your passion to write and speak God has brought people into your life who have the same calling. Invite them to participate with you and better yet, if they live close, invite them to your home!
What a fun way to experience SpeakUp and learn together! You never know… they may be just like I was in 2017 not even thinking that I could publish a Bible Study. You might just be the one who encourages the next book or speaking platform to be birthed in grand fashion, bringing someone to know Jesus and impacting their eternity!
So, what are you waiting for?
Our virtual team has so much fun in store for you—and the fun starts July 1st in the Facebook group! Don’t worry…for those of you who are attending in person, we’ll invite you join the virtual party as we gear up for the main event!
Don’t be shy and be sure to participate so when the conference begins you have new friendships already made.
Looking forward to seeing all of you… online or on the virtual stage!
Your virtual host, Carol Tetzlaff
Question: Who encouraged you to consider the possibility of writing for publication?

About Carol Tetzlaff
Carol Tetzlaff is an author and speaker who makes the Bible Approachable as she Invites You into His Story. Her passion is to see women engage in the Word and be transformed into a life of worship. She serves on the team at Redemption Press, creating content along with directing events and trainings for She Writes for Him. Her passion for excellence to bring God glory is found in everything she does. Her Bible study, Ezra, Unleashing the Power of Praise, has been part of women’s Bible study groups around the U.S. and Canada. Carol is also the virtual conference producer for the Speak Up Conference. Go to www.caroltetzlaff.com for more information and social media links. Check out Carol’s latest book More Than Just a Word to help you select a word for the year.