When your goals seem unattainable, will you take one step closer to God, pause, and ponder what He has in mind for you? Perhaps your pursuits were set too high, or maybe unexpected circumstances blew your world up, and now an adjustment is needed. Conversing with the Lord sounds logical, yet do you often take a different route and end up frustrated and feeling like a failure?
Last year, when those I love entered a dark, brutal place, I willingly stepped in to embrace life amidst the return of mental illness in its gravest form. Yet, I refused to entirely apply the words the Lord whispered in my ear—prepare to pivot and extend grace.
Instead, I offered grace to others in abundance and declined to provide any to myself. Slowly but surely, instead of taking one step closer to God, distance arose between the one I needed most and my inner peace.
When We Can’t Let Go…
Possibly like me, you often tirelessly pursue the accomplishment of your goal at all costs. After all, if God was in the initial planning of those goals, letting down the Lord and those we serve seems like too much to bear. We don’t step closer to God; instead, we push ourselves away, depleting our reserves, and heading for an inevitable crash.
“Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire, and burned” (John 15:4-5 NIV).
When We Compare…
To make matters worse, we often look around and compare ourselves with others. After all, we don’t want to delay our progress as we watch friends, fellow speakers, writers, and ministry leaders appear to make it look easy as they accomplish much. Or we rationalize that we have endured far worse in the past, so slowing down now seems absurd.
Is it hard for you to step closer to God while comparing yourself to others or to your past accomplishments?
When Our Goals are Unattainable…
Perhaps Jesus wants to take us in a new direction or place a “pause” our current plans. Of course, that can leave us frustrated and disappointed; we are human. Yet, if the change is the Lord’s plan, isn’t that what we ultimately want? We know His plan is perfect.
Take One Step Closer to God
As my eyelids refused to stop twitching, the tone in my voice became snappy, and my soul yearned for my best friend—the Lord. I recognized that taking one step closer to God was the only answer that made sense.
Even as I reluctantly began to pivot and obey, He wanted more. My lofty goals would have to wait, as God had something better in mind. My job was to put my complete trust in Him once again and in His timing.
“Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul” (Psalm 143:8 ESV).
It’s hard to take one step closer to God when we’re so busy surviving the unexpected, comparing ourselves with others, or refusing to follow His leading. Yet, God’s plan is always perfect, and intimacy with Him is always the ideal goal.
Question: When your goals seem unattainable, what is one action you take to step closer to God?

Maree, thank you for this helpful reminder that sometimes when the “unexpected” comes into our lives, God is still at work–not in our time frame, but in His!
Carol, thank you! Your life has beautifully reflected God at work in the midst of the unexpected. You have mentored me through your words over the years. Maree
Maree, thank you for this helpful reminder that sometimes when the “unexpected” comes into our lives, God is still at work–not in our time frame, but in His!
Carol, thank you! Your life has beautifully reflected God at work in the midst of the unexpected. You have mentored me through your words over the years. Maree
Maree, the flow of your heart in the words you write comes from a place of obedience. Good reminders for each us to seek God’s best and perfect will for our lives.
Gloria, thank you for your beautiful response. Obedience is my desire; however, as we know, sometimes that is not where we go first. May you have a blessed day in the will of God. Maree
Maree, the flow of your heart in the words you write comes from a place of obedience. Good reminders for each us to seek God’s best and perfect will for our lives.
Gloria, thank you for your beautiful response. Obedience is my desire; however, as we know, sometimes that is not where we go first. May you have a blessed day in the will of God. Maree
Maree, may we continue to follow and then take a step closer to the Father when our plans go in unexpected directions. Thank you for your fellowship in this community where mental illness touches our loved ones.
Amen, Tracy. May we continue to step closer to our Father no matter what comes our way. Thank you for your kind words. I find it an honor to be a part of a community where lives are touched by mental illness. The people I rub elbows with are some of the most courageous. Blessings, Maree
Maree, may we continue to follow and then take a step closer to the Father when our plans go in unexpected directions. Thank you for your fellowship in this community where mental illness touches our loved ones.
Amen, Tracy. May we continue to step closer to our Father no matter what comes our way. Thank you for your kind words. I find it an honor to be a part of a community where lives are touched by mental illness. The people I rub elbows with are some of the most courageous. Blessings, Maree
Maree, the way you use the hard parts of your life to minister to the world is such a gift. Thank you. The first sentence of this post led me to stop in my tracks and seriously consider my posture toward God right now. Your words almost always lead me to that same pause. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Stacey, Thank you for your beautiful response. I am so glad my words cause you to pause and consider your posture towards God. Maree
Maree, the way you use the hard parts of your life to minister to the world is such a gift. Thank you. The first sentence of this post led me to stop in my tracks and seriously consider my posture toward God right now. Your words almost always lead me to that same pause. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Hey, Maree! Remainig in God involves obedience. I thank God for His rod and His staff. His loving discipline and protection are necessary at times to keep us on the path that He desires for us. The Giood Shepherd knows what is best, especially in those dark times. Spending quality time with God in prayer is how I best draw closer to Him. I find encouragement, hope, and oftentimes much needed guidance. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. God bless you and yours.
Horrace, Thank you for adding to this conversation. I loved hearing how you draw closer to God and your wise point on the necessity of His loving discipline and protection. I am right there with you on quality time with God. When I miss my morning time with the Lord, it makes a difference in my day and week. May you have a blessed week. Maree
This is beautifully broken. I’m so thankful that we don’t have to ask Him to draw near. He is already there. We just need to move closer.
Lauren, Blessings to you as you step closer to God throughout your week. Maree
This sounds like me at times. This is such a helpful article. Bookmarking so I can reference as needed .
I am so glad to know I am not alone. Thank you for stopping by to read. May God bless you as you draw closer to Him. Maree