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  1. Marie T Palecek says:

    Thanks Bryan. I wrote a similar devotion – with a similar experience and revelation. Your words remind me that sometimes the only thing we need to do it is ‘shine His light’ into the darkness. It feels like such an unimportant job for the work at hand, but as my father would say, “Can you please just shine where I’m working? Thank you.” We are called to be His light – first and foremost. And sometimes be His hands and feet. Thank you for reminding me of that today.

  2. Carol Kent says:

    Thank you for this outstanding blog, Bryan! You reminded each one of us to “hold the light” for others. The poignant personal illustration of your experience with your father resonated deeply with me. Congratulations on your literary achievements! It’s a privilege to have you as a guest blogger in our Speak Up community.

  3. Lynn Neely says:

    SOOO GOOD AND TRUE! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Yvonne Ortega says:

    Thank you, Bryan Crum. I wrote something similar for my work in progress. My earthly daddy was an electrical contractor. I remember holding the light for him a few times myself.
    God does the work, indeed. I find the more I love the younger ones who attend my church, live in my community, or attend Speak Up, the more His light shines.
    Love & Prayers,
    Yvonne Ortega