Stymied by a big vision for your ministry or career? Juggling multiple platform-building activities? Bewildered by a Scripture topic that seems beyond your ability to understand—let alone write or speak about?
As essential as our writing and speaking ministries are, the actual tasks we need to complete as we move forward in our callings can overwhelm us. Sometimes we’re presented with opportunities that seem outside our capabilities. And sometimes these opportunities can paralyze, rather than energize us.
I feel most overwhelmed and paralyzed in my gifting when I encounter doors of opportunity I didn’t—and couldn’t—open. God opened them because only He could. Once open, I realized I couldn’t complete the assignments behind them by myself. For God-assignments like these, we need a team made of Divine connections that He orchestrates.
If God opens the door, He’ll assemble the team.
But He wants us to be a part of the process, so here are three tips to help you recognize each person He has in mind for your team.
- Recognize and embrace God’s provision.
If God opened the door, His anointing is on the task, and He’ll provide what and who you need to complete it. Therefore, trust Him and His ability to provide.
When God gives an assignment, He doesn’t always intend for it to be completed by an individual. Throughout Scripture we see that God uses teams, starting in Genesis 2:18, when He said, “It’s not good for man to be alone.” The task God gave Adam was bigger than Adam could complete on his own, so God gave Adam a helpmeet to complete his assignment.
- Begin looking for Divine connections.
Once you recognize that gifts and skills are needed beyond what you can handle, begin looking for Divine connections. Don’t let pride or fear cause you to hesitate. None of us wants to miss a relationship with someone God has placed in our path for His purposes.
Begin looking for teammates God is providing to ensure your success. Remember, God’s building a kingdom, not just a collection of individuals. You’re part of something bigger than yourself. So, as He did with Adam, God will send helpers to assist in accomplishing His will.
- Make the Connection.
Once you identify potential teammates, reach out. After Jesus identified disciples for His team, He approached them and asked them to join Him in His assignment. Whether you’re hiring a website designer, working with an editor, or collaborating with a speaker’s bureau, you have to reach out. You may enjoy times when a person reaches out to you, but be ready to reach out to them. This requires initiative and boldness—tools you need for God-assignments.
If God is opening the door, He’ll direct you. He’ll connect you with the people who can help you to complete your assignment. Be quick to recognize that a team may be the answer to your challenge. Prayerfully look for those God-connections, and move forward once He reveals the people you need on your team.
If you’re feeling an assignment is too big for you, don’t be surprised. God wants interdependence within His Kingdom. It’s all part of His plan—His strategy—for completing your assignment. That way, God gets all the glory.
Question: Where are you on your journey to building a team?

About Dawn Sanders
Dawn Sanders, an associate minister at First Baptist Church of Glenarden International, is a passionate Bible teacher and speaker. Her expertise lies in expository teaching and sharing the profound insights she has gained from God’s Word. In September 2024, InterVarsity Press will publish her highly anticipated first book, When Your World Ends. To connect with Dawn, go to https://dawnmannsanders.com/
This is awesome I’m so glad that I was invited to the luncheon by my dear friend Sue Fitton which allowed me the opportunity to meet Carol Kent amazing woman of God I am ready & eager to grow with Speakup
Look forward to meeting Dawn Sanders
This is awesome I’m so glad that I was invited to the luncheon by my dear friend Sue Fitton which allowed me the opportunity to meet Carol Kent amazing woman of God I am ready & eager to grow with Speakup
Look forward to meeting Dawn Sanders
Carol Kent’s Speak Up Conference is the perfect place to meet godly women like Carol Kent and to receive God’s provision, keep your eyes open to His divine connections for you, and to make the most important connection of your life with the Lord and His purpose for you.
Love & Prayers,
Yvonne Ortega
Carol Kent’s Speak Up Conference is the perfect place to meet godly women like Carol Kent and to receive God’s provision, keep your eyes open to His divine connections for you, and to make the most important connection of your life with the Lord and His purpose for you.
Love & Prayers,
Yvonne Ortega