As writers and speakers, we often feel God’s call to share a message, tell a story, or provide insight. But what happens when that calling seems to meet only silence? When the emails don’t get returned, the writing feels stagnant, and the audience seems distant. We wonder, Am I even making a difference? Or worse, Did I hear God wrong?
It’s easy to lose heart when progress feels nonexistent. Still, the Bible reminds us that God sees and hears us, especially in our moments of desperation. Psalm 102:17 assures us, “He will respond to the prayers of the destitute; he will not despise their plea.” This verse speaks directly to the heart of those of us who feel empty, struggling to follow God’s call while our efforts appear fruitless. God does not turn away from the desperate; instead, He responds. He listens. He cares.
When the Calling Feels Heavy
I understand the sting of rejection when publishing professionals say no. I’ve felt the wilderness season of fostering and nurturing my calling. I’ve often been asked, “Why do you have so many years between books?” All I can answer is, “God had other plans for me in the years between books. I chose to keep my priorities: God, then family. There were things only I could do for my family in that season.”
That answer was challenging to accept during those years. As much as I felt called to write and speak, I had to trust that God’s timing was perfect—even when I couldn’t see the plan ahead. Challenges filled those years of waiting and prioritizing, but I had to believe that obedience to God meant trusting Him with the outcome, even if it didn’t align with my timeline.
Praying Through the Silence
There’s something about desperate prayers that strips away the polish and brings us to a place of raw dependence on God. In these moments, we aren’t just seeking answers—we’re seeking Him. When it feels like we’re getting nowhere, that’s when God is doing His deepest work in us. He’s teaching us perseverance, building faith, and refining the message He’s given us to share.
Instead of seeing the silence or closed doors as a sign to give up, we can view it as an invitation
- to press in
- to go deeper in prayer
- to trust more fully that God is moving, even when the evidence isn’t visible.
In that persistence, we find the very struggles we face are refining our messages.
Following Through on God’s Call
The key to following through on God’s call, even when it feels like you’re getting nowhere, is trusting that He has a plan for your work. He will respond. Our job is to keep praying and showing up. In that obedience, we find our voice, shaped by our successes and struggles.
So, if you’re feeling destitute in your calling, remember Psalm 102:17: God hears your prayer. He does not despise your plea. Keep trusting, keep praying, and keep stepping forward in faith. The progress may be invisible now, but God never wastes his work. Friend, I’m evidence of that, and you are, too.
If you’ve ever felt your prayers were going unheard or wondered if you’re truly following God’s call, take heart—God is listening, even in the silence. My journey has taught me that we often grow the most in those desperate moments of waiting and struggle.
We would love to hear from you today.
Question: Where have you seen God move on your behalf in a wilderness season?
If you’re seeking answers during a season of ministry uncertainty, I invite you to explore my new book, Desperate Prayers: Embracing the Power of Prayer in Life’s Darkest Moments. You’ll find hope and guidance to help you persevere in your calling, even when progress feels distant. Get your copy HERE.
About Rachel Wojo
Rachel Wojo is an entrepreneur from Columbus, Ohio, who self-started and developed a blog to business platform over the last decade. She hosts Bible reading challenges on her popular blog,, which rallies readers of all ages to search God’s Word for solutions to life’s problems.
I loved your blog! I feel you are speaking directly to me in the season I am going through now. I’ve had many seasons like this over the years. Though the stretches are lonely and difficult to navigate, they bring me closer to the God I serve. I love the psalms of David as he pours his heart out to God. He holds nothing back, and proclaims the goodness of his ever-present Savior. In these seasons, I contemplate the direction God wants me to go. Today I will hunker down and return to the basics in life: my current walk with God, my closest relationships, things I have neglected and need to return to, etc. May God stir up the gift he has given me , and revive me in this new season.
Thank you so much, Kimalea, for your honesty and grace. Yes and amen to your resolve!! Lord, would you revive Kimalea today and give her a tangible reminder of your grace and mercy? Amen.
Thank you Rachel! This blog post and your new book Desperate Prayers: Embracing the Power of Prayer in Life’s Darkest Moments are on time as I persevere through a difficult season.
I hear assurance of ultimate victory from one who has been through an uncertain and challenging season regarding your calling and work for God: “keep trusting, keep praying, keep stepping forward in faith.” I feel inspired to continue.
I have seen him move on my behalf by keeping the fire of worship burning in my heart fueled by His word and my former testimonies that speak of his faithfulness and love for me.
Bless you, dear friend. Yes, and I love that last line you wrote above!! Keep the fire of worship burning in your heart fueled!
I can relate. I’ve been there. Many times. Many seasons. And you know what? God was always there:) I know that you know:) This post is timely so thank you. Learning to hold my hands open without the slightest curling up of my fingers tips. Yep – smack dab flat, allowing him to give and take away. Both, I know are good. Hard sometimes, but always good. I’m loving your book Desperate Prayers. Gosh, we have so much in common so I sit and shake my head yes and amen as I read it. To God be the praise! Excellent blog post!