I will never forget having my first book in print in 1994. I was preparing for a signing on the CBA expo floor… and all I could hear in my head was “Who do you think you are? You’re not a writer, you’re a speaker. You don’t have the training you need, or the education required to be a published author!”
My thoughts were a train wreck and I felt stuck even though my book was already published.
No one is ever going to line up for a signed copy of my book.
I dreaded unpacking the box of books and stacking them up on the autograph booth table.
I’d wager that some of you Speak Up attendees feel stuck as well, and that’s exactly what the enemy wants. He can hold us captive by our feelings of inadequacy and cause us to be fearful of walking out our calling to write, to speak, and to serve those in our ministries.
That’s when we need a reminder of Whose we are and why we need to get unstuck.
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him
who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
1 Peter 2:9
You are all these things Peter writes about SO THAT you will get unstuck to proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness and into His marvelous light.
You are called to PROCLAIM which means to extol or praise publicly. Some synonyms for proclaim are to: affirm, announce, declare, profess and… get this, PUBLISH!
I’m guessing if you’re reading this, you are someone who has experienced the transformation of darkness to light in a unique way, and along the way have experienced things God has used to teach you, sanctify you, and to bring good out of pain because that is who He is, a Romans 8:28 God … and He is faithful!
So, when your mind is filled with doubts and accusations from the enemy about who you aren’t, remember that one of the enemy’s strategies is to paralyze you, to make you feel stuck on your forward progress and unable to move forward.
I just had the privilege of teaching writers in the UnStuck Challenge, spotlighting the 5 reasons we get stuck and how to get UnStuck. I marveled as I discovered this group of writers formed a community where they encouraged each other in their writing.
Here’s an important reminder. Finding your people is one of the best ways to live out your calling with others who are chosen to proclaim, or publish, the message God has given them.
The right community will encourage you with not only their support, but with the Word of God reminding you of Whose you are and what God wants you to do with that identity.
So, remember the terror that filled my heart and mind that no one would show up for my book signing? In that moment when I felt stuck, something amazing happened.
Yep, the line wrapped all the way around into the next aisle … the encouragement and hope that filled my heart as I signed copy after copy continued long after the show floor closed for the evening.
Are you feeling stuck in your writing, speaking, or ministry?
- Identify what is holding you back.
- Claim a promise from God’s Word can you cling to.
- Find a person or a group that will supply tangible support and encouragement.
So don’t believe the lies the enemy whispers in your ear and answer the call He has given you to proclaim the wonderful acts of God. Get unstuck in your calling and proclaim His praises to the world!
When you feel ”stuck,” what action steps do you take to move forward again?

About Athena Dean Holtz
Athena Dean Holtz has spent 38 years in Christian publishing, Athena pioneered the independent publishing movement in the Christian space in the early 90’s. Founder and Publisher at Redemption Press, she is chief visionary for the pandemic pivot She Writes for Him movement. The publishing ministry led by an amazing team of women has qualified 3 years in a row for Best Christian Workplace. Her personal ministry to those who’ve suffered spiritual abuse and been hurt by the church is at AthenaDeanHoltz.com.
Great word of encouragement from Athena!
Thank you, my friend! ❤️
Thanks for the encouragement & practical steps to overcome!
Thank you for this encouraging and helpful blog, Athena!