My hopes were high! Following more than two decades of incarceration, we were praying for a favorable response to Jason’s application for a commutation of his sentence to a set number of years. That might have been a sentence of 35 or 40 years, instead of life without the possibility of parole, but since he had just turned 25 at the time of his arrest, it meant he might walk in freedom before the end of his life.
We had the best advocates—godly people of wisdom and influence with a passion for helping our son to receive mercy. Months of work had been done. Multiple notebooks filled with letters of support had been compiled and sent to key people in the Florida cabinet. ZOOM meetings with high level employees of state officers had been held. Intensive fasting and prayer had been done in preparation for the review of Jason’s case.
But God said “No.”
A letter was sent to Jason telling him that no inmates with his conviction would be considered this year. The end of the correspondence said, “But remember, you can reapply in five years.”
It was a slap in the face—like a flashing neon sign reminding us of a broken system in the Department of Corrections—as if an influential person said, “These are the guidelines for applying for a reduction in your sentence, but after your immeasurable hours of work in preparing the paperwork, we’re not going to read it. But try again in five years!”
It was a crushing blow. I wept. Then creeping cynicism entered my thought process. I was sick at heart.
Slowly, the Holy Spirit reminded me of my earlier prayer: “Lord, have mercy; Thy will be done.” And God said “No.”
During this time of the year, let’s remember this important advice from God’s Word:
“Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 MSG
Here’s what we’re learning:
- A “no” can be an answer to prayer. God often answers our prayers in a different way than we want. Will we be angry, or will we say, “Thy will be done?”
- A thankful heart brings healing. Gene and I started to list the good things that have happened. Jason teaches in the re-entry program. He’s taken over 800 inmates through Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University course. He’s led Bible studies; he mentors and advocates for prisoners. He’s in leadership in several of the organizations on the compound. He shares his faith and encourages men to accept Jesus and to live out their faith. We thank God for that.
- A giving spirit spreads hope and joy. We launched the nonprofit organization, Speak Up for Hope, for the purpose of helping inmates and their families and for training people in global evangelism and Bible teaching. There is no way to describe the delight I experience when I watch Gene and Jason brainstorm about how to use funds that God’s people have provided for books, Bible studies, needed equipment, care packages for inmates, games for the visitation area, fans for the meeting rooms, and so much more.
“God is in control, and therefore in EVERYTHING I can give thanks—not because of the situation, but because of the One who directs and rules over it.” Kay Arthur
As you count your blessings during the holiday season, please consider a gift to Speak Up for Hope. You can give on-line. If you’d prefer to call in a credit card donation, contact Gene at 586-481-7661. Or, you can send a check made out to Speak Up for Hope to:
Speak Up for Hope
P.O. Box 6262
Lakeland, FL 33807
Question: What is the hard thing you need to be thankful for this year?

About Carol Kent
Carol Kent is a bestselling author and an international speaker for conferences, outreach events, and retreats. She’s the executive director of the Speak Up Conference, an event committed to helping people develop their speaking and writing skills. She and her husband, Gene, have founded the nonprofit organization, Speak Up for Hope, which benefits inmates and their families. Carol holds a master’s degree in communication arts and a bachelor’s degree in speech education. Carol has trained Christian speakers for over twenty-five years, and she has been a featured speaker at Women of Faith, Extraordinary Women, and Women of Joy arena events. She is the author of over twenty-five books, including the bestselling When I Lay My Isaac Down, Becoming a Woman of Influence, and He Holds My Hand. Check out her newest book for Mother’s Day, Life Lessons for Moms. Connect with Carol at www.carolkent.org.
Thank you, Carol, this is so encouraging. Praying for Jason and your family. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you for those prayers, Carolyn!
Thank you, Carol, this is so encouraging. Praying for Jason and your family. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you for those prayers, Carolyn!
Oh Carol, I can’t even imagine your heartbreak. I’m praying. I’m thankful My sisters are here on Earth but there’s division amongst them so please pray.
Also I won’t see my son on the holidays but I’ll be able to see him for 6 hours on December 19th. He is in a restoration program. Thank God it’s Christian.
Oh Carol, I can’t even imagine your heartbreak. I’m praying. I’m thankful My sisters are here on Earth but there’s division amongst them so please pray.
Also I won’t see my son on the holidays but I’ll be able to see him for 6 hours on December 19th. He is in a restoration program. Thank God it’s Christian.
It’s hard when God says no. But it’s his peace that sustains us and his plan we trust in. Continue to walk with God, he will deliver in his time. God bless Jason and you and Gene and your ministry.
It’s hard when God says no. But it’s his peace that sustains us and his plan we trust in. Continue to walk with God, he will deliver in his time. God bless Jason and you and Gene and your ministry.
Thank you Carol for sharing. I found your blog very encouraging and it brought tears to my eyes. Keep on fighting the good fight of faith and don’t give up. The Lord Jesus is forever faithful! My prayers are with you and your family. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you Carol for sharing. I found your blog very encouraging and it brought tears to my eyes. Keep on fighting the good fight of faith and don’t give up. The Lord Jesus is forever faithful! My prayers are with you and your family. Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi Carol, Gene and Jason. God continues to amaze and encourage my heart through each of you. Your story, commitment, and “standing” (having done all…stand) help me see what is truly important—glorifying Him in all things. Thank you for the transparency through the years. What a beautiful tapestry of faith displayed!
Hi Carol, Gene and Jason. God continues to amaze and encourage my heart through each of you. Your story, commitment, and “standing” (having done all…stand) help me see what is truly important—glorifying Him in all things. Thank you for the transparency through the years. What a beautiful tapestry of faith displayed!
I feel your disappoint but you have taught me God has a plan, trust in him and go with it but never lose hope. Can I send Jason a book? I wrote it after hearing you speak about your family’s story. It’s about my 27 year battle to convict my sister’s killer. I’d love to share it along with a personal note. Happy Thanksgiving.
I feel your disappoint but you have taught me God has a plan, trust in him and go with it but never lose hope. Can I send Jason a book? I wrote it after hearing you speak about your family’s story. It’s about my 27 year battle to convict my sister’s killer. I’d love to share it along with a personal note. Happy Thanksgiving.
Your book, When I Lay My Issac Down, is one of my mist treasured volumes. I bought it because the title intrigued me, not knowing it was a personal story. It sat on my bookcase for a few months until in one of my most difficult times, I picked it up hoping that reading would be a a diversion from my struggle. My situation was not even close to your experience, but your story brought the beginning of healing as I wept through the pages not once but twice in a few days. Prayers for you and your son. As Jason ministers in a place where few of us will go, all of you are examples of courage and faith in a faithful God.
Your book, When I Lay My Issac Down, is one of my mist treasured volumes. I bought it because the title intrigued me, not knowing it was a personal story. It sat on my bookcase for a few months until in one of my most difficult times, I picked it up hoping that reading would be a a diversion from my struggle. My situation was not even close to your experience, but your story brought the beginning of healing as I wept through the pages not once but twice in a few days. Prayers for you and your son. As Jason ministers in a place where few of us will go, all of you are examples of courage and faith in a faithful God.
Carol: My heart breaks for you as I know first hand as a Mom with an only child, my Son also incarcerated with Life without parole. We just marked 11 yrs and have had that same Appeals door slammed in our face with a No several times. My Son does all of his Legal work as Pro Se because retired I only have my SS to barely support myself & still put $ on my Son’s Inmate Trust account.
I do all of his legal copying, filing & research for him. We have just filed his Final Appeal attempt in Oct 2021 & we are trying to hang on with Hope that the UNJUST Criminal System we live within will forever once see the Injustice in his case & let me come home Time Served! A 5 yr sentence was completely wronged into Life without Parole! I continue to pray for God’s Will to be done & (if) we once again receive that horrible word, No, I am praying for strength to continue to hang on. But my biggest fear is for my Son to not lose all hope & be able to continue to hang on….
Thank you Carol, Gene & especially Jason for always reminding me we are not alone. I have been following all of you for years. Happy (?) Thanksgiving & GOD BLESS YOU🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Carol: My heart breaks for you as I know first hand as a Mom with an only child, my Son also incarcerated with Life without parole. We just marked 11 yrs and have had that same Appeals door slammed in our face with a No several times. My Son does all of his Legal work as Pro Se because retired I only have my SS to barely support myself & still put $ on my Son’s Inmate Trust account.
I do all of his legal copying, filing & research for him. We have just filed his Final Appeal attempt in Oct 2021 & we are trying to hang on with Hope that the UNJUST Criminal System we live within will forever once see the Injustice in his case & let me come home Time Served! A 5 yr sentence was completely wronged into Life without Parole! I continue to pray for God’s Will to be done & (if) we once again receive that horrible word, No, I am praying for strength to continue to hang on. But my biggest fear is for my Son to not lose all hope & be able to continue to hang on….
Thank you Carol, Gene & especially Jason for always reminding me we are not alone. I have been following all of you for years. Happy (?) Thanksgiving & GOD BLESS YOU🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank you so much for sharing, Carol. Such a hard journey alongside a good God. But at times the disappointment is overwhelming. Your story is for all of us because we all face disappointment even if not to the degree of yours. But I know you would say that it doesn’t matter. We all face the disappointment and the temptation to be cynical. Such a good reminder. Thank you.
Thank you so much for sharing, Carol. Such a hard journey alongside a good God. But at times the disappointment is overwhelming. Your story is for all of us because we all face disappointment even if not to the degree of yours. But I know you would say that it doesn’t matter. We all face the disappointment and the temptation to be cynical. Such a good reminder. Thank you.
Your story has long encouraged my heart as my family and I have struggled with the challenges of my son’s mental health and drug use. His encounters with the legal system has made it even worse as his treatment was continually disrupted by that broken system. On November 9, 2021, we received word that God said “no” to our countless requests for healing and took Jay home to Himself. Our pain and grief are immense, but we are comforted that Jay is with Jesus due to his accepting Christ. Daily I am comforted by Isaiah 57:1-2. He is healed, just not as we had hoped.
Thank you for your story. We all seem to have one…God is ever near! I pray often for dear ones in prison, those held captive by drugs/alcohol, hurting, wounded families(mine included). This is words to an old hymn that comfort me at times. “Come ye disconsolate, wher-e’er ye languish; come to the mercy seat, fervently kneel; here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish; earth hath no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal.” Love you in Christ!
Your story has long encouraged my heart as my family and I have struggled with the challenges of my son’s mental health and drug use. His encounters with the legal system has made it even worse as his treatment was continually disrupted by that broken system. On November 9, 2021, we received word that God said “no” to our countless requests for healing and took Jay home to Himself. Our pain and grief are immense, but we are comforted that Jay is with Jesus due to his accepting Christ. Daily I am comforted by Isaiah 57:1-2. He is healed, just not as we had hoped.
Thank you for your story. We all seem to have one…God is ever near! I pray often for dear ones in prison, those held captive by drugs/alcohol, hurting, wounded families(mine included). This is words to an old hymn that comfort me at times. “Come ye disconsolate, wher-e’er ye languish; come to the mercy seat, fervently kneel; here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish; earth hath no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal.” Love you in Christ!
Your words are piercing my heart after a night of real spiritual and emotional struggle over the choices my own son has made in the past, and the possible consequences that effect us all. Thank you for modeling Christlike grace and gratitude in the midst of what God is doing now, rather than wallowing in the pain and discouragement of what Satan and sin did then.
W/ love and prayers for you and your family,
Your words are piercing my heart after a night of real spiritual and emotional struggle over the choices my own son has made in the past, and the possible consequences that effect us all. Thank you for modeling Christlike grace and gratitude in the midst of what God is doing now, rather than wallowing in the pain and discouragement of what Satan and sin did then.
W/ love and prayers for you and your family,
Dear Carol,
Thank you for letting us know how Jason is and what he is doing. I do pray for him and my son.
Jason had advised me about my son’s case.
With Nesara coming and many evil- doers being caught,
I believe he will be paroled.
My son is doing good works in his walk through this.
He had turned totally to God.For that, I am grateful.
Please keep us updated ! All the best to you and your family.
Linda Byars
Dear Carol,
Thank you for letting us know how Jason is and what he is doing. I do pray for him and my son.
Jason had advised me about my son’s case.
With Nesara coming and many evil- doers being caught,
I believe he will be paroled.
My son is doing good works in his walk through this.
He had turned totally to God.For that, I am grateful.
Please keep us updated ! All the best to you and your family.
Linda Byars
Oh wow our hearts are saddened at their response but your son is a light and Hope to many who have no one in their corner. I’m sure God is using him mightily. God bless all 3 of you with his peace and joy in the wait
Oh wow our hearts are saddened at their response but your son is a light and Hope to many who have no one in their corner. I’m sure God is using him mightily. God bless all 3 of you with his peace and joy in the wait
I was ready to give up. Give up writing my story. Because of cutting words by my own sister, who said to me – “I didn’t think that was important” when I asked her why she had not attended a reading initiated by the writer’s group I was a part of. Echoing in my spirit and soul was – “I didn’t think YOU were important.” That is the power of words! But God – spoke into my spirit this morning – “Keep writing, Joanne. Remember, your life story was designed by me so others could be encouraged by your telling of it.” And I’m thinking of your son Jason, a person God has strategically placed on the “Inside” where you all cannot go, into a ministry where he and his story can be effectively be told.” Be encouraged, Carol!
I was ready to give up. Give up writing my story. Because of cutting words by my own sister, who said to me – “I didn’t think that was important” when I asked her why she had not attended a reading initiated by the writer’s group I was a part of. Echoing in my spirit and soul was – “I didn’t think YOU were important.” That is the power of words! But God – spoke into my spirit this morning – “Keep writing, Joanne. Remember, your life story was designed by me so others could be encouraged by your telling of it.” And I’m thinking of your son Jason, a person God has strategically placed on the “Inside” where you all cannot go, into a ministry where he and his story can be effectively be told.” Be encouraged, Carol!
My heart breaks for you, Gene, and Jason. I have shared your story with many Christian friends and family. I was so hopeful that Jason would find favor with the board and his sentence would be reduced. It blessed me to read how you have handled God’s answer, but it does cause me to think “why God”. Know that I will continue to pray and continue to believe for a favorable answer in five years. Stay strong. I stand in awe of what God is doing through this heart wrenching situation.
My heart breaks for you, Gene, and Jason. I have shared your story with many Christian friends and family. I was so hopeful that Jason would find favor with the board and his sentence would be reduced. It blessed me to read how you have handled God’s answer, but it does cause me to think “why God”. Know that I will continue to pray and continue to believe for a favorable answer in five years. Stay strong. I stand in awe of what God is doing through this heart wrenching situation.
I am so sorry for this answer. I won’t stop praying for his release. Thank you for sharing your gratitude in the midst of hard answers. That’s what I love about you. Your story has inspired me in more ways than you will ever know.
I am so sorry for this answer. I won’t stop praying for his release. Thank you for sharing your gratitude in the midst of hard answers. That’s what I love about you. Your story has inspired me in more ways than you will ever know.
Thank you and your family
Thank you and your family
Dear Carol, Gene, Jason and extended families. I came here to say ‘I have no words’. Lifelong reflections have brought me to a place to recognize God hears our groans. HE HEARS US! My heart groans for you and your situation. My heart groans for my own. My heart groans for all of mankind. My head would like to smack Eve, and then Adam. But, it is what it is and so we groan. The sun, moon, stars, and yes, the earth, hang out because God put them/us right where He deemed His creation should be. My comment here probably does not make you feel cozy and comforted in the current situation you find yourself in. The ONLY comfort I find in scripture is under the shelter of the Almighty’s wing. There is shelter AND protection. So, for this season, may you and yours find yourself under His Wing. Your sister through Christ. ~Mickey
Dear Carol, Gene, Jason and extended families. I came here to say ‘I have no words’. Lifelong reflections have brought me to a place to recognize God hears our groans. HE HEARS US! My heart groans for you and your situation. My heart groans for my own. My heart groans for all of mankind. My head would like to smack Eve, and then Adam. But, it is what it is and so we groan. The sun, moon, stars, and yes, the earth, hang out because God put them/us right where He deemed His creation should be. My comment here probably does not make you feel cozy and comforted in the current situation you find yourself in. The ONLY comfort I find in scripture is under the shelter of the Almighty’s wing. There is shelter AND protection. So, for this season, may you and yours find yourself under His Wing. Your sister through Christ. ~Mickey
Thank you for your post Carol. Recently, some dear friends of ours who have grown old waiting for their son to be released from a Texas prison, found out that he will be released in a few months after final protocols are concluded. Their son was incarcerated 30 years ago on a murder charge that took place when he was 16 years old. It was my privilege to be present when they got the call telling them the wonderful news. I wanted to share that with you in our November Office Hours meeting but of course it was not the time. Our friends are quite old now and had asked God for years to allow them to see their son returned home before they passed. We are so blessed to haven be a part of their journey and to have have been a support them during their trial. While incarcerated, their son has become a devout Christian and has served in Bible study and discipleship among the inmates. Who knows what God has done through his efforts. I praise God for his wonderful mercy in ALL things.
Thank you for your post Carol. Recently, some dear friends of ours who have grown old waiting for their son to be released from a Texas prison, found out that he will be released in a few months after final protocols are concluded. Their son was incarcerated 30 years ago on a murder charge that took place when he was 16 years old. It was my privilege to be present when they got the call telling them the wonderful news. I wanted to share that with you in our November Office Hours meeting but of course it was not the time. Our friends are quite old now and had asked God for years to allow them to see their son returned home before they passed. We are so blessed to haven be a part of their journey and to have have been a support them during their trial. While incarcerated, their son has become a devout Christian and has served in Bible study and discipleship among the inmates. Who knows what God has done through his efforts. I praise God for his wonderful mercy in ALL things.
So many bittersweet stories! People I do not know here in this earthly life & yet we are in the precious family of God & will one day meet face to face. Our precious Lord sees every hurt, wound, heartache…and responds in an intimate personal way. My prayers for those in prison, those waiting outside…our God controls…His will be done.
So many bittersweet stories! People I do not know here in this earthly life & yet we are in the precious family of God & will one day meet face to face. Our precious Lord sees every hurt, wound, heartache…and responds in an intimate personal way. My prayers for those in prison, those waiting outside…our God controls…His will be done.
Carol, thank you for sharing the unimaginable heartaches of your life. You, Gene and Jason are a bright and loving testimony of an awesome , gracious God, in a very dark and troubled world. I pray for your family and thank God for the opportunity yo know you and follow your very difficult journey. Gods blessings as you maneuver through another difficult holiday season.
Carol, thank you for sharing the unimaginable heartaches of your life. You, Gene and Jason are a bright and loving testimony of an awesome , gracious God, in a very dark and troubled world. I pray for your family and thank God for the opportunity yo know you and follow your very difficult journey. Gods blessings as you maneuver through another difficult holiday season.
Oh, Carol. I’m heartbroken with you all, and yet, still holding onto faith that God has a bigger plan that we don’t yet understand through the wait.
Hugs, and continued prayers.
Oh, Carol. I’m heartbroken with you all, and yet, still holding onto faith that God has a bigger plan that we don’t yet understand through the wait.
Hugs, and continued prayers.
It is so hard to see r sons suffer i know it well years of incarceration for my son and when he was abused by the guards it was heartbreaking i prayed that he would have the the kind of ministry your son is in the prisons in NY we dont have that Thank u for your encourgement You truly have a heart for Christ I wish i Had that i love the Lord but when things dont go right i truly get upset My son is out now but everyday i pray he stayaway from things that cause him to stumble I love Your and your husbands ministry
It is so hard to see r sons suffer i know it well years of incarceration for my son and when he was abused by the guards it was heartbreaking i prayed that he would have the the kind of ministry your son is in the prisons in NY we dont have that Thank u for your encourgement You truly have a heart for Christ I wish i Had that i love the Lord but when things dont go right i truly get upset My son is out now but everyday i pray he stayaway from things that cause him to stumble I love Your and your husbands ministry
Oh my! So sorry to hear this news. I’ve been praying for him & have been wondering how everything turned out. I’ll keep praying. I sense that there are many inmates that still need him on the inside. It sounds like God is using him in amazing ways. Blessings to you all!
Oh my! So sorry to hear this news. I’ve been praying for him & have been wondering how everything turned out. I’ll keep praying. I sense that there are many inmates that still need him on the inside. It sounds like God is using him in amazing ways. Blessings to you all!
I’m so sorry it wasn’t what you had hoped for! I also would love to see him free!!
My hard things are for my boys to walk in strong faith!! It’s hard to watch your children struggle, even when they are adults!
I’m so sorry it wasn’t what you had hoped for! I also would love to see him free!!
My hard things are for my boys to walk in strong faith!! It’s hard to watch your children struggle, even when they are adults!
My heart broken for you Carol. I lost my son this last July and the holiday seasons are hard but I know in my heart zodiac needed another angel and this is his plan for our family but it’s still hard. I enjoyed you speaking at sister to sisters in Longview Texas and I failed to get the card with address to send stamps and cards to Jason so could you please send it to me. You snd yours are in my prayers ❤️
My heart broken for you Carol. I lost my son this last July and the holiday seasons are hard but I know in my heart zodiac needed another angel and this is his plan for our family but it’s still hard. I enjoyed you speaking at sister to sisters in Longview Texas and I failed to get the card with address to send stamps and cards to Jason so could you please send it to me. You snd yours are in my prayers ❤️
I’m so sorry to hear the news re: the denial of Jason’s request. You mentioned the fact that God said, “No.” I like this acknowledgement and I know that God has Jason exactly where he wants him–behind the walls ministering to the other inmates. I don’t have difficulty in giving thanks this year. Instead I’m thankful that I have completed all of my cancer treatments for Endometrial cancer.
I’m so sorry to hear the news re: the denial of Jason’s request. You mentioned the fact that God said, “No.” I like this acknowledgement and I know that God has Jason exactly where he wants him–behind the walls ministering to the other inmates. I don’t have difficulty in giving thanks this year. Instead I’m thankful that I have completed all of my cancer treatments for Endometrial cancer.
Dearest Carol, Gene, and Jason, I pray daily for y’all. When I first heard the news of the big fat No, I burst into tears. I thought immediately of so many passages in Isaiah, especially Isaiah 55:8-9:”For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. As I reflect on Jason and his prison flock and the Speak Up with Hope Ministry, I remember that God’s character is good and never changes. Perhaps no other family has a heart for the world and could do what y’all have done for the Kingdom. And yet, as parents y’all long to hold your loved one and “squeeze the stuffing out of him.”Thanksgiving and Christmas around the table with the whole family at home would be heaven on earth. May God comfort and strengthen y’all.
Love & Prayers, Yvonne
Dearest Carol, Gene, and Jason, I pray daily for y’all. When I first heard the news of the big fat No, I burst into tears. I thought immediately of so many passages in Isaiah, especially Isaiah 55:8-9:”For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. As I reflect on Jason and his prison flock and the Speak Up with Hope Ministry, I remember that God’s character is good and never changes. Perhaps no other family has a heart for the world and could do what y’all have done for the Kingdom. And yet, as parents y’all long to hold your loved one and “squeeze the stuffing out of him.”Thanksgiving and Christmas around the table with the whole family at home would be heaven on earth. May God comfort and strengthen y’all.
Love & Prayers, Yvonne
Gene, Carol and Jason,
God has answered, He has not only saved you and your husband, He has saved Jason “your son”! God is amazing and He never forsakes us… He does what is needed to bring His children home-His Everlasting Home… Praise God. Though we don’t see or understand, His ways are not our ways and Thank God for He alone has the master plan for our salvation.
May God comfort your family in these earthly times and help you see the heavens that await you all for eternity… ♥️🙏🏽👱🏻♀️
I know these may seem just words but I send them with Gods peace and blessings 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 for I too have had a similar experience and I know just one day seems like a life time and we have a way of creating our own prison. We are human and it takes God to not only get us through, but to provide peace and sanity during such times and I know He is doing just that! Jason is a warrior for God, may God continue to bless Him.🙏🏽♥️👱🏻♀️
Gene, Carol and Jason,
God has answered, He has not only saved you and your husband, He has saved Jason “your son”! God is amazing and He never forsakes us… He does what is needed to bring His children home-His Everlasting Home… Praise God. Though we don’t see or understand, His ways are not our ways and Thank God for He alone has the master plan for our salvation.
May God comfort your family in these earthly times and help you see the heavens that await you all for eternity… ♥️🙏🏽👱🏻♀️
I know these may seem just words but I send them with Gods peace and blessings 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 for I too have had a similar experience and I know just one day seems like a life time and we have a way of creating our own prison. We are human and it takes God to not only get us through, but to provide peace and sanity during such times and I know He is doing just that! Jason is a warrior for God, may God continue to bless Him.🙏🏽♥️👱🏻♀️
I have been dealing with Excruciating pain due to an SI joint issue…so much that I forgot to send Jason a b’day card this year…will try for Christmas tho…I have experienced a ton of emotional pain during my life…(I am 75 and live alone) including the death of a daughter at 17 in an auto accident but none of that compares to the physical pain and if that was not enough I got a tooth ache and had to see the oral surgeon…pain is awful for sure but this experience has caused me to disregard the emotional pain as nothing next to the physical pain I have which causes me to be pretty much bed fast until I have upcoming surgery but surgery IS upcoming!…I so understand your pain but you can be thankful it is not physical. I too have a son who has been a ton of help to me and I do not know what I would do without him being near-by.
love in Christ Sandra McKaig in KY
I have been dealing with Excruciating pain due to an SI joint issue…so much that I forgot to send Jason a b’day card this year…will try for Christmas tho…I have experienced a ton of emotional pain during my life…(I am 75 and live alone) including the death of a daughter at 17 in an auto accident but none of that compares to the physical pain and if that was not enough I got a tooth ache and had to see the oral surgeon…pain is awful for sure but this experience has caused me to disregard the emotional pain as nothing next to the physical pain I have which causes me to be pretty much bed fast until I have upcoming surgery but surgery IS upcoming!…I so understand your pain but you can be thankful it is not physical. I too have a son who has been a ton of help to me and I do not know what I would do without him being near-by.
love in Christ Sandra McKaig in KY
I went to the library this week and came across your book. I had not heard anything of you for years. I had heard of you when I lived in Iowa with my husband a minister. I was fortunate to come to several of your conferences maybe St. Louis or chicago. I’m unsure. I grabbed the book and began to read I could hardly believe what I read. Now Ive seen bits and pieces of your lives since and would like to keep in contact and in touch with what you are doing. I know for sure you spoke to a young pastors wife in those years and see you have continued to do so all your life.
I am currently living in apopka fl sr housing. Im grateful for the life those years. I have faced hardships and sadness but God has been faithful.
My first born son, who has a masters degree in psychology, and had never been in trouble with the law, was arrested for 1st degree murder and took a plea for 2nd and 30 years. That phone call I got as his mother, reminded me of your story with your son..
Thank you for all you are doing🙏
I saw an interview you did many years ago with Chuck Swindoll’s daughter. I was struck by the similarities between your story and my own. My best friend was (I and many others felt) framed for the killing of four people. The evidence just didn’t add up, and certainly did not match the character of the man we all knew and loved. He was convicted on the testimony of a man I believe was the actual killer. The evidence lined up more against him than it did my friend. But it was my friend who was executed seven years later for the crime. I also felt called to prison ministry through an invitation from Chuck Colson. Even though it’s 40 years since my friend died, I still correspond with inmates, but I am not financially able to send them postage stamps, let alone care packages. I think you’re doing a good work in sending these things to inmates, but I know their families also need help. I helped co-found a ministry to help provide counseling and resources to families of men and women incarcerated. This was before Angel Tree started–at first for inmates’ children, but now for any indigent child. I really don’t know why I’m writing, as I can’t help you financially, and I write my own books, including one about my friend’s case. I do write to several men and one woman. I stopped writing to one man because he kept sending me letters to forward to other people, which would have gotten me incarcerated. But I would like to be able to send them stamps and toiletries, food items–and the clothing you described which I’m assuming is not just t-shirts but clean underwear and socks. I’m disabled, living in subsidized housing on limited income and food is delivered by a food bank. I have my needs met, but I’m unable to help needy inmates. Thank you for the ministry of http://www.speakupforhope.org.
I love u my husband was saved in prison we e been married since 2011 known each other for 20 years now! He loves Jesus and He the Lord is our life! Carol I am 72 taught music degree I have ceberal palsy! My precious husband has had a very hard life! I love him dearly Could u pray for us? God has blessed us! We are still victorious and we do whatever He says! The hardest part my husband was sexually abused he has forgiven his cousin then his crime was sexual he was not saved so after being saved in prison he made right choices and got out in 4 and a half years my precious mother went to heaven 2004 Ricky and I met that year! I had been married my husband left me we were not spiritual ly connected he was Baptist and I am spirit filled this was in 1995 I or him never been married! He was wrong wouldn’t get counseling so one person can’t make a marriage he was in Christian radio he thought I broke marriage covenant I never did was always faithful! Parents were againest us especially his father I forgive to this day he never remarried! I loved him we were married eight years! God had to move him out of my life Ricky and I are one! Please keep us in your prayers Ricky is on sexual registry this is the breaker! I have cried grieved over this! Ricky is truly my life You can understand! Gods timing is perfect ! I feel your pain and pray for you too! May Gods love carry us on Your sister and brother Glenda and Richard Criswell he is 64!thank you for your love and prayers!! Write me if the Lord leads!
Any chance you can get President Biden to commute Jason’s sentence to time served?
Please continue to inform us of things pertaining to yr son’s sentencing. To say I’m sorry means nothing. It is pure devastation. Thank you for sharing this story, thank you for yr and genes and Jason’s heart that love my Jesus💝💝
Carol. Gene, and Jason, I’ve always hurt for Jason . I listened to your recording that told his whole story at Women of Joy. After 3 years in prison, my talented chef son, Mark, threatened someone while intoxicated. He even cooked for President Bush, Sr. at Fort Meyer, VA. but the court was very unfair and he lost his will to fight. He died 10 years ago. Love you, Carol. I’m praying for you.