Long before I knew God was calling me to speak or write, I collected quotations. I thoroughly enjoy concise, wise, pithy, or poignant sentences that summarize a topic, issue, or principle. As we think about collaboration, consider these important words:
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” Helen Keller
“None of us is as smart as all of us.” Ken Blanchard
“Unity is strength…when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” Mattie Stepanek
The call came from a major Christian publisher. Would I be willing to be a writer and the compiling editor for a series of five devotional books called Kisses of Sunshine? I was paired with several well-known authors to write these books for women, including moms, sisters, grandmas, and teachers.
During the next few months, I learned a lot about collaboration:
- It’s much more fun to work on projects with someone else than it is to work alone.
- It takes less time to complete a manuscript when you have a co-author or co-authors.
- Projects are richer and have added value when you collaborate with the right person.
- Working with some people is difficult when they have a different work ethic than you do or when they aren’t willing to compromise.
Then a light dawned!
Collaboration is about so much more than writing projects.
- It’s about helping my peers to promote their speaking topics and their book titles.
- It’s about contributing to websites, blogs, and podcasts with other leaders who also want to point people to Jesus.
- It’s about planning conferences, retreats, or events with multiple speakers and sharing in the experience of ministering with like-minded friends.
I realized that I might be the only person in my city who works in the type of ministry that I do—but I can connect with others via ZOOM or through coaching, classes, and conferences (like Speak Up)—and I’m not alone!
When we generously contribute to the projects, conversations, events, books, websites, newsletters, podcasts, and blogs of others, our own ministries are blessed. Through collaboration we encourage each other as we lift up the name of Jesus.
“So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT).
Question: What projects have you worked on with a friend? What made the process more fulfilling and more fun because you did it together?

About Carol Kent
Carol Kent is a bestselling author and an international speaker for conferences, outreach events, and retreats. She’s the executive director of the Speak Up Conference, an event committed to helping people develop their speaking and writing skills. She and her husband, Gene, have founded the nonprofit organization, Speak Up for Hope, which benefits inmates and their families. Carol holds a master’s degree in communication arts and a bachelor’s degree in speech education. Carol has trained Christian speakers for over twenty-five years, and she has been a featured speaker at Women of Faith, Extraordinary Women, and Women of Joy arena events. She is the author of over twenty-five books, including the bestselling When I Lay My Isaac Down, Becoming a Woman of Influence, and He Holds My Hand. Check out her newest book for Mother’s Day, Life Lessons for Moms. Connect with Carol at www.carolkent.org.
I have collaborated with my friend on a blog for senior women in ministry 50+ to encourage and support them. It began in January 2023.
We spur on and encourage one another and bounce ideas off each other.
Rita, what a creative and helpful way to encourage women in ministry! I love that you saw the need and joined with a friend to support senior women in ministry leadership. It’s so much fun and so fulfilling to do this type of a project with a like-minded friend.
In 2018 I was one of 23 attendees at a brand new conference called The Well. Knowing little about writing or speaking, I had no idea what was up ahead. What I did know is how much I was jumping out of my skin to do ministry and I wanted to be around these creative people.
I volunteered to help the following year with hospitality, but God had a different plan. Who knew I would go from volunteering to joining the leadership team to then Co-directing the conference for the last 3 years?
I’m so thankful to have worked with Kathy Bruins and the rest of the leadership team, faculty, and staff at The Well. I have gleaned something from each one of them and they might say they’ve learned a thing or two from me:) Together we have grown that conference from 23 to over 100 and counting. And now, as I move toward the next thing the Lord is calling me to do, my season there is ending.
I’ll forever cherish our trips together, the plethora of Zoom meetings, and many late-night conversations. I’d do it all over again to read the testimonies of attendees and watch how God continues to orchestrate collaboration between them. I’ve witnessed beautiful projects come to life as God’s creatives work together. It’s just like you’ve stated here, Carol; through collaboration, we encourage each other as we lift up the name of Jesus.
Victoria, what a beautifully written comment on the JOY God brought to you as you collaborated with other creatives in a conference ministry. It’s been a joy to get to know you and to see the way you encourage fellow speakers, writers, and leaders. We’re also grateful for the way you’re using your gifts to encourage members of the Speak Up Mastermind and Intensive Coaching Groups, too. We appreciate you!
Hi, Carol! Great to reconnect with you here! I appreciated your post and questions. As you know, I’m a collaborator. When I write books for others, I’m always working closely with the authors to unearth their story. It’s truly a unique and fulfilling experience to step into someone’s world and write a memoir from her point of view. I like to build up each lady in the story and show what a hero she is. This is something she would probably not have done, at least not in the same way, if she was writing the story herself. I am able to help her look at her story more objectively, but then write it seemingly subjectively (in that it is shown through her own lens.) I’d love to be part of some devotional collaboration projects like Kisses of Sunshine. I agree, it’s great for people to work together! I’d also enjoy collaborating on screenplays. Blessings!
What an important comment, Cheryl. I loved reading: “When I write books for others, I’m always working closely with the authors to unearth their story.” We sometimes forget that collaboration can come in many forms–through writing a chapter or devotional in a compilation book, or through having a collaborative writer work with you to write your manuscript, etc. So glad to hear you might like to be a part of one of my upcoming collaborative compilations! I’ll be in touch by email in a couple of weeks.
Words of wisdom from your email today! Thank you for always thinking of others and encouraging others in their ministry. You have been an inspiration in my life, and I am thankful to God for you. May the Lord lift you up as you work on your manuscripts and those who will be working with you.
Have a blessed day!
Thank you, Teresa! I LOVE that God has allowed our paths to cross multiple times in ministry over the years. You are a lifelong learner and a gifted servant of the King!
I love this article! So true. I am having the 10th anniversary event Friday night for the Spiritual Circle Journal Ministry and so many women have collaborated with me in so many ways over the past ten years. It has been such a gift. God provided every one of them at the right time. I am so thankful for each and every woman.
It’s a joy to hear what you’re doing through the Spiritual Circle Journal Ministry, Liz. Keep up the great work!