Pillows propped my aching back and my growing baby belly peeked out over the comforter. I remember the moment vividly. The Lord had whispered to my heart that I was to share words from Him. It didn’t seem probable or logical, yet it was very real. As I sat on the bed, alone in conversation with God, I knew in my heart that He was calling me to write and speak. However, convincing my mind of the fact was another story.
It just didn’t appear feasible. I didn’t know anyone else who was a writer or speaker. And I certainly didn’t feel qualified. Much like Gideon, I had my list of reasons why this would NEVER work.
And the Lord turned to him and said, “Go in this might of yours and save Israel from the hand of Midian; do not I send you?” And he said to him, “Please, Lord, how can I save Israel? Behold, my clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house.” Judges 6:14&15
“Lord, I’m not strong enough for this. I have no influence in the community and you know that I am not a born leader by any stretch of the imagination.” Yes, the Lord worked on my list of excuses, but like Gideon, it began with that single question:
How could I possibly walk out this calling? How would this even work? How should I start?
While almost 13 years have passed since that moment, the question I asked then is the single most question that has repeated throughout the journey. How?
Obtaining clarity to walk out God’s call on your life is an exercise of faith. But there is nothing more important than taking the next right step to understand exactly what God wants you to do.
Whether you long to create a vision and plan for your speaking/writing ministry or business, understand the way to build your platform, or write your book proposal, obtaining a crystal-clear plan to accomplish those tasks is critical.
Gaining the answer to the question of “how” doesn’t have to be elusive. The Speak Up team is here to help!
We know that you have three basic needs as a communicator: Clarity, Community, and Accountability. We want to help you answer your “how?” as efficiently and focused as possible.
Right now, the doors are open for Speak Up Growth Groups Registration.
What are Speak Up Growth Groups? SpeakUp Growth Groups were born from our very own SpeakUp Conference, the premier conference for speakers and writers to advance their personal or professional ministry.
Growth Groups consist of two levels, Lean In and Learn On. Each group consists of 6-8 participants and a leader who serves as either a discussion facilitator or intensive coach.
Lean In is our entry-level peer-to-peer mastermind group designed for someone who has never participated in mastermind groups before or has beginning experience. This level walks through a monthly focused topic curriculum together with a group discussion to promote accountability and community. The Zoom meeting lasts 90 minutes and is guided by a discussion facilitator.
Learn On is our intensive coaching group designed for speakers, writers, and leaders who are pushing forward to the next level of their ministry. These groups also meet and walk through monthly curriculum together, but in addition to the Lean In material, they also receive 20 minutes of intensive coaching, a bonus sheet of resources that complement the month’s topic, AND a monthly bonus Zoom meeting with Carol Kent, myself, our intensive coaching group leaders and Learn On members.
Learn On groups also contain two specialty opportunities, PODCASTING and WRITING. You’ll find all meeting details and group information to be the same as our standard Learn On groups with a FOCUS on the group specialty of p;podcasting or writing.We are so excited about these Learn On groups opportunities!
Let us help you answer your “HOW?”!
About Rachel Wojo
Rachel Wojo is an entrepreneur from Columbus, Ohio, who self-started and developed a blog to business platform over the last decade. She hosts Bible reading challenges on her popular blog, rachelwojo.com, which rallies readers of all ages to search God’s Word for solutions to life’s problems.
Very exciting!!
Thank you for continuing to offer opportunities to learn and grow. Adding specifically oriented groups for podcasting and writing is such a great idea.