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  1. Rachel,
    I’m a friend (writer and speaker friend) of Carol Kent and just read your blog. I agree with all you said!
    What are some of the faith-based companies/publications, either online and/or in print, that you contribute monthly articles to?

    I ask this because I’m doing a session at a writer’s conference over Labor Day weekend here in OKC on magazine writing. I used to write for a number of faith-based magazines, but God led me in the direction of being a founder and executive director of a nonprofit that supports children of incarcerated parents.
    So I’m a bit “out of the loop.” I’d really like to be able to make some suggestions about where these writers will start or offer some direction for them on markets.

    Thanks very much!
    Cheri Fuller

  2. Rachel,
    I’m a friend (writer and speaker friend) of Carol Kent and just read your blog. I agree with all you said!
    What are some of the faith-based companies/publications, either online and/or in print, that you contribute monthly articles to?

    I ask this because I’m doing a session at a writer’s conference over Labor Day weekend here in OKC on magazine writing. I used to write for a number of faith-based magazines, but God led me in the direction of being a founder and executive director of a nonprofit that supports children of incarcerated parents.
    So I’m a bit “out of the loop.” I’d really like to be able to make some suggestions about where these writers will start or offer some direction for them on markets.

    Thanks very much!
    Cheri Fuller

  3. Donna Fagerstrom says:

    Excellent, practical advise. It reminds me of the truth that Jesus sent the disciples out two by two, we need each other.💕

    1. Rachel Wojnarowski says:

      Thanks, Donna!

  4. Donna Fagerstrom says:

    Excellent, practical advise. It reminds me of the truth that Jesus sent the disciples out two by two, we need each other.💕

    1. Rachel Wojnarowski says:

      Thanks, Donna!

  5. Thank you Rachel. Loved this encouragement. I completely related to the “first” time writing and speaking. God stretches and stretches us and when we allow it “oh the places we will go.” Looking forward to Speak UP and being in person with our brothers and sisters from growth group and office hours.
    Blessings, Dyann

    1. Rachel Wojnarowski says:

      Can’t wait to see you face to face at Speak Up, Dyann!

  6. Thank you Rachel. Loved this encouragement. I completely related to the “first” time writing and speaking. God stretches and stretches us and when we allow it “oh the places we will go.” Looking forward to Speak UP and being in person with our brothers and sisters from growth group and office hours.
    Blessings, Dyann

    1. Rachel Wojnarowski says:

      Can’t wait to see you face to face at Speak Up, Dyann!

  7. Rachel,
    You are right on! Growth groups are beyond valuable. For me, participating in growth groups with like-minded speakers & authors, who authentically want to live out God’s calling, helps me know “my people” are out there across the country doing the same things I’m doing. I don’t feel as alone or isolated, knowing we share similar struggles, challenges, and hopes. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to be praying for their ministries and projects, and I have made friends through Speak Up, who care about mine as well.
    I am inspired to stay focused and complete the work that God has for me. That accountability is so necessary. The addition of these groups year-round, truly keeps our connections strong and our ministries growing.
    Thank you & hugs,
    Leann Seale

    1. Rachel Wojnarowski says:

      You’re rockin’ it, Leann! Thank you for the kind words and I’m so excited to see how God is using you!

  8. Rachel,
    You are right on! Growth groups are beyond valuable. For me, participating in growth groups with like-minded speakers & authors, who authentically want to live out God’s calling, helps me know “my people” are out there across the country doing the same things I’m doing. I don’t feel as alone or isolated, knowing we share similar struggles, challenges, and hopes. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to be praying for their ministries and projects, and I have made friends through Speak Up, who care about mine as well.
    I am inspired to stay focused and complete the work that God has for me. That accountability is so necessary. The addition of these groups year-round, truly keeps our connections strong and our ministries growing.
    Thank you & hugs,
    Leann Seale

    1. Rachel Wojnarowski says:

      You’re rockin’ it, Leann! Thank you for the kind words and I’m so excited to see how God is using you!