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  1. Great suggestions! Thank you. I am blocking out time to accomplish a huge task that has kept me from moving forward for too long! I am praying and trusting that my website will be up SOON!

    1. Rachel Wojo says:

      Can’t wait to see it, Larke!

  2. Needed this post. Such wisdom here! Thank you! Number one is a must so I will continue to keep that at the forefront. All the others I could use improvement on. I think that number 5 stands out the most because my biggest challenge is having too much to do and not enough time to do it. Before I can align with my mission statement though, I need to write it out. I somewhat know it in my head, but this reminds me to get it on paper in my planner. Then I can focus on winnowing through what’s on my plate and eliminating all that doesn’t align. Thank you for this – I’m actually going to print this list and keep it handy.

    1. Rachel Wojo says:

      Yes, on the time to do it! I’m working to simplify too. Thanks, Victoria!

  3. Rachel, thank you for these suggestions! I need to work on all of them, but the one that caught my attention is that I need to use my planner more to plan and not just record appointments and activities.

    1. Rachel Wojo says:

      Love it, Missy! Yes, that was a game changer when I realized that more.

  4. Nancy A. de Cardenas says:

    Rachel, Thank you for sharing your expertise with us!
    I’m sure I can glean from All of your ideas as I journey along this writing path. Implementing a planner to block out time for writing I know will be very helpful in accomplishing my first writing assignment.

    1. Rachel Wojo says:

      Thanks, Nancy! We’re so glad you are an important part of Growth Groups!