We were filled with inspiring content, took copious notes, and networked like a boss. We left the SpeakUp conference with the promise of new ideas, new beginnings, and treasured new connections. But now that we’ve gotten back to our families, our routine to-do lists, and work responsibilities, we may be feeling that the booming conference buzz is now a dull hum. The honeymoon is over. What happened to the energy? Where’s the fire? Did we really hear God correctly? We thought God wanted our “YES” on the table, but maybe He didn’t really mean it, because NOW we’re overwhelmed at the very thought.
I have news: you heard Him right. God most certainly DOES want our “YES” on the table. In fact, often, when we’re struggling with self-doubt, fear, and the stressors of all-things-life, God does His best work. Hmmm—perhaps those vulnerable places are right where God needs us to be so He may take over and provide us with His wisdom, guidance, instruction, and blessings.
I want to encourage us to keep fanning the flame ignited by God at Speak Up. Here are a few, simple ways to keep that candle burning:
- Journal. Schedule a bit of thinking time to jot down the positive takeaways from SpeakUp. Write how you felt, along with how you have been challenged, and pray for God to intervene with all you have received. And celebrate!
- Create a Motivation Board. Create a place to display awesome quotes from your favorite keynote speakers or words of encouragement from your peers. Take a peek at your board whenever you need some nuggets of enthusiasm and confidence.
- Stay Inspired. Continue to fuel your inspiration by reading industry books on areas where you need guidance, motivation, or encouragement. The Speak Up faculty-authored books are a GREAT place to start!
- Keep Your Connections: Stay in touch with your conference connections through email, Facebook, Messenger, etc., or dare I say—pick up the phone! Ask each other how you can continually encourage or pray for each other.
- Search the Bible. Whenever you feel discouraged or even TERRIFIED of what may seem to feel like a giant-sized “YES,” seek out the scriptures. You will find an answer for anything you bring to your “YES” table. Plus, God’s words are always the best.
“Now glory be to God, who by His mighty power at work within us
is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely
beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts or hopes.” Ephesians 3:20
Let’s be accountable to each other to keep our “YES” on the table, or, to put it back on the table in the event it may have fallen off. God-speed on your journey!
Question: What was one of your top take-aways from the 2022 Speak Up Conference?

My top take-away – We have an incredibly creative God who loves to stretch our thinking with fresh ideas. He then brings us partners who can help us on the journey. Praise God!
My top take-away – We have an incredibly creative God who loves to stretch our thinking with fresh ideas. He then brings us partners who can help us on the journey. Praise God!
Well Done, Dawn. I love the idea of a “motivation board.” You have reminded us of the deep spiritual connection we find at Speak Up. So delighted to be part of it each year.
Karen Porter.
Well Done, Dawn. I love the idea of a “motivation board.” You have reminded us of the deep spiritual connection we find at Speak Up. So delighted to be part of it each year.
Karen Porter.
Thanks, Dawn, for a very thought-provoking and helpful blog on how we can continue to put our “Yes” on the table! There are many excellent take-aways in this blog.
Thanks, Dawn, for a very thought-provoking and helpful blog on how we can continue to put our “Yes” on the table! There are many excellent take-aways in this blog.