I sat down to write a column I submitted monthly on marketing and realized—I’m tired of marketing. Some of you may find it shocking that I’d admit to that in writing. On the other hand, some of you may find it refreshing, even burden-lightening. I hope it is the later. As I share with you today a few things I’ve learned through the years of being in this familiar place, I’m reminding myself of truths that often are lost when we spend so much time and energy marketing.
The First Truth: It’s Hard Work
The truth is good marketing is about building relationships with readers, and building relationships is hard work. It is tiring. It is difficult to put yourself out there day after day, but as writers who promote God-given messages, that is what we do.
The Second Truth: Our Foe is Working Overtime
This truth is that as Christian authors we have a foe who is fiercely working against every effort we make. We can only stand strong for so long against this prince of darkness before we grow weak and tired. Satan is working overtime on those who step out in faith and who are making a difference.
The Third Truth: The Enemy of Best is Good
The third truth is the enemy of best is good and when it comes to marketing many of us are doing a lot of good, but we aren’t doing our best. We hear from experts that we must do this and that, and so we juggle all these balls and inevitably we grow tired. Perhaps it’s time for a little self-analysis. Is everything on your plate the best or do you need to remove some good things so there is more room for the best?
Truth to Combat the Lies
As I’ve said, I’ve been here before so over time I’ve fallen prey to these lies even though I know these truths. It is easy to do. The good news is when you and I recognize the symptoms we know it is time to apply the Great Physician’s balm. What is it? The first step is to do what our Lord did frequently. He was promoting a new Kingdom and He ran into the same obstacles we do. Scriptures tell us He “went away” to pray, to rest, and refuel. We need to get away from computers, cell phones, deadlines, and demands. So pull out the calendar and schedule some Jesus time. Unless you schedule it, you know it won’t happen.
The Most Important Truth
The final step is what I do when I’m away with my Lord. I fall on my knees and repent for the umpteenth time of placing myself, my ego, my abilities, my message, my, my my—me, me, me on the throne I’ve said belongs only to one King. Then I ask my Marketer-in-Chief to guide me, direct my efforts, open the doors He wants to open, to clear my deck of those things He doesn’t want me doing so I can be an effective instrument in His hands to reach the people He wants me to reach, even if it doesn’t bring the numbers the industry tells me makes my efforts a success. Then I must sit and listen.
If you’re tired and worn out from marketing, if you can’t write one more promotional word, craft one more tweet, or pin one more image on Pinterest, join me in remembering these truths so you can combat the lies. Then set aside time to listen, really listen, to your Marketer-in-Chief. He loves you and can restore the strength you need to fulfill your calling.
What marketing technique have you used that was the most successful when getting the word out about one of your books and/or your speaking availability?
What spiritual lessons have you learned when you’ve listened to the Marketer-in-Chief?

About Cheri Cowell
Cheri Cowell is the Founder/CEO of EABooks Publishing and offers the publishing opportunity for Speak Up attendees. She hopes to see your name on the submission list. For details, here’s the link. For information on EABooks, go to: www.eabookspublishing.com.
This is SO good!!
Thank you Cheri and Carol!!
This is SO good!!
Thank you Cheri and Carol!!
I so needed this right now. Thank you! One thing I have discovered is when you put yourself out there and stand up for what is right you have to be prepared for the haters who I believe are working for Satan. Don’t let them get you down or get in your head and you are right the best way to do that is to open your arms, heart and mind to Jesus and let him fill you with peace and strength to continue what he has planned for you/us.
Good point Renee, but I fear that often I blame Satan when I’ve given him the power to make mischief. I love your idea to not let him get in your head—it takes intention to keep our thoughts pure and focused on the Marketer in Chief. Thanks for sharing, Renee
Renee, thanks for sharing. You are right, our fight is not against flesh and blood, but I have to be careful not to see everything as satan and not ask myself how am I giving satan the power to mess with my head. That goes to what you said—making sure my mind is filled with Jesus peace. Again, thanks for sharing.
I so needed this right now. Thank you! One thing I have discovered is when you put yourself out there and stand up for what is right you have to be prepared for the haters who I believe are working for Satan. Don’t let them get you down or get in your head and you are right the best way to do that is to open your arms, heart and mind to Jesus and let him fill you with peace and strength to continue what he has planned for you/us.
Good point Renee, but I fear that often I blame Satan when I’ve given him the power to make mischief. I love your idea to not let him get in your head—it takes intention to keep our thoughts pure and focused on the Marketer in Chief. Thanks for sharing, Renee
Renee, thanks for sharing. You are right, our fight is not against flesh and blood, but I have to be careful not to see everything as satan and not ask myself how am I giving satan the power to mess with my head. That goes to what you said—making sure my mind is filled with Jesus peace. Again, thanks for sharing.
Wonderful article Cheri. We all need encouragement in this area. It is definitely the greatest challenge for most of us. Blessings, Dyann
I am there with you…thanks for commenting. We’re in this together.
Wonderful article Cheri. We all need encouragement in this area. It is definitely the greatest challenge for most of us. Blessings, Dyann
I am there with you…thanks for commenting. We’re in this together.
I think the most effective marketing technique has been Facebook lives. As a matter of fact, I’m in the middle of giveaway promotion 9 days in a row to market our amazing new audio book (shout out to EA Publishing!)
It is exhausting though, always critiquing how it could have been better. But I’m at the point of just sharing my heart, and thinking of new ways to serve my little tribe. My Marketer-in-Chief is teaching me to lay all my plans at His feet and to connect me with those who need the message of hope I write about. There are times when He leads me full speed ahead, and other times when the message is clear to slow down and rest. The most hurtful thing I have to say is “friendly fire” from other Christians who question my motives or think I’m promoting myself and not my Savior. To be honest, it brings me to tears at times, but right back into my Father’s presence for confirmation I’m doing what He has asked of me.
I think the most effective marketing technique has been Facebook lives. As a matter of fact, I’m in the middle of giveaway promotion 9 days in a row to market our amazing new audio book (shout out to EA Publishing!)
It is exhausting though, always critiquing how it could have been better. But I’m at the point of just sharing my heart, and thinking of new ways to serve my little tribe. My Marketer-in-Chief is teaching me to lay all my plans at His feet and to connect me with those who need the message of hope I write about. There are times when He leads me full speed ahead, and other times when the message is clear to slow down and rest. The most hurtful thing I have to say is “friendly fire” from other Christians who question my motives or think I’m promoting myself and not my Savior. To be honest, it brings me to tears at times, but right back into my Father’s presence for confirmation I’m doing what He has asked of me.
Hi Cheri! A poignant reminder of why we do what we do! Our work and/or writing is done for the Lord & building His kingdom! And the enemy will seek to foil any advancement.
Sincere thanks!
Hi Cheri! A poignant reminder of why we do what we do! Our work and/or writing is done for the Lord & building His kingdom! And the enemy will seek to foil any advancement.
Sincere thanks!