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  1. Kathleen (Kathee) Barry says:

    Hi Vicki. Absolutely love this. I too am an advocate for God, Health and Exercise. I had a local exercise certification- always desired to get an ACE or ASCM but didn’t happen. Still, none of it a waste. I taught aerobics at my workplace years ago. Today, in my Senior years, I am working to get back in shape and stay in shape since breaking my wrist badly and many other health challenges. God has given us so many blessings/abundant life. I’ve so much I want to do, yet staying healthy and scheduling is my hardest. I know I need to have more quiet time.
    Thanks for Inspiring.
    Kathleen (Kathee) Barry
    A sister in Christ who loves the Lord, also loves to write, stay fit and healthy, May God Bless you.

    1. Vicki R Heath says:

      Kathlee, thank you for those encouraging words. I too work hard to preserve my health. There is a lot I want to do in the future! Just starting teaching Silver Sneakers in my community – what a blessing! God bless you in body and spirit.

    2. Vicki R Heath says:

      Katlee, thank you for those encouraging words. I too work hard to preserve my health and fitness. Just started teaching Silver Sneakers! Such fun! God bless you in body and spirit.

  2. Cathy Gallagher says:

    Vicki Heath’s creative approach to loosing weight by identifying what we need to gain instead of the weight we need to lose and by reminding us of scripture passages to help us gain what will help us loose weight is the positive approach I need. I know the approach is doable, and I am following it as of today. Thank you, Vicki!

    1. Vicki R Heath says:

      Cathy, Don’t you love how God’s word can help us in every situation? God bless you!