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  1. I love this ❤️. I always feel so sick when I post a self promoting thread. I have mostly given up on social media because I dont like the thought of being all about me. This is a wonderful reminder that our work is all about God, not ourselves, and that social media can benefit others, when our focus is on the audience. Thank you.

  2. What a great reminder! It is easy to lose sight of our audience as we are working through the nuts and bolts of ministry. Your timing was perfect and the message was inspired. Thank you so much.

  3. Erica, thank you for this excellent blog. It’s so important that the ministry we do is not about “us,” but that it uplifts, challenges, and encourages our listeners and our readers–and that it always points them to Him!

  4. Great advice to remember! We do want to engage with the reader and glorify the One we serve with our words!

  5. Thank you so much for this reminder. I am a Pastor’s wife and started speaking out side of my church. I am guilty of what I share is about me and want so much to connect with my person that needs to hear this message. Thank you for the reminder that It is Not about me.
    Maybe I can attend Speak Up sometime

  6. Thank you SO much for this post, Erica. I’ve often struggled with the juxtaposition of Jesus’s command to serve others and the publishing industry’s push to build our platform. The ideas you set forth here are the perfect solution! A++!

  7. Maggie Wallem Rowe says:

    Amen to this, Erica! As an author and speaker, I know it is so important to speak and write to the felt needs of others. Case in point: I live in a town of only 10,000 people in NC. Last week two young men stopped to help me after I pulled over with a flat tire. In gratitude, I posted about these Good Samaritans on our town’s FB page, and within 48 hours that post had nearly 1,500 likes and dozens of shares. People are hungry for good news. “Let another praise you, and not your own mouth” (Proverbs 27:2)

  8. Lisa Brittain says:

    Thank you for your advice! I’ve been working on this for a while now. Bob Goff talks about this too. And so, I am more aware of trying to communicate with an other centered perspective. I’m also working to improve my listening skills. Your little experiment with two different posts using the same graphic is intriguing me. I might have to try this one for myself. Interesting!
    Thank you again.
    Eyes on Jesus and Shine,