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  1. Tracy Arntzen says:

    Kia- I believe we met at BRMCWC, thank you for this perspective. I grew up not knowing my biological father even existed, until I was 16! God has ministered to my heart for over 40 years and He has filled every void. One day there will be no more memory!

    1. Hi Tracy! Thank you for sharing your testimony of God’s faithfulness! God is able to be a Heavenly Father! May you always know his lavish love for you! XOXO, Kia

  2. Lynn Neely says:

    I hear you Kia! Isn’t it so great how God lovingly heals us by the truth of His word and His love? He knows what we have been through, knows what we need and knows that we can encourage others having grown spiritually through it all. Thank you for being so transparent and obedient to our Lord!

    1. Kia Stephens says:

      Hi Lynn! Yes, God has been a healer in my life! He is faithful. I’m honored to share my story with you. XOXO 😘

  3. Yvonne Ortega says:

    Kia Stephens, thank you so much for your honesty and humility. Thank you also for your willingness to answer our questions and to pray for us at the live Speak Up Conference. God does use what the enemy meant for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose.
    Great big hugs to you.
    Love & Prayers,
    Yvonne Ortega

    1. Kia Stephens says:

      It was an honor to do so. Thank you for this comment Yvonne! May you always know that you are lavishly loved by God.😘