Wasn’t the Speak Up Conference amazing? How did God change you during the conference? Is He asking you to step forward in a new way? No matter what your take-a-way was, or your message from God, we hope you were encouraged and inspired to take your story and ministry to the next level.
We all have experienced hopes, dreams and even heartaches; they are part of our story. God wants to do something powerful with our circumstances and make a difference in this world. It wouldn’t be obedient to drive away from the Prince Center and do nothing with what He gave us over those three days.
Although God wants to work alongside us, He gives us tasks to do. In Genesis we read, “The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden as its gardener, to tend and care for it” (Genesis 2:15 TLB). He may have walked with them every day in the Garden, but they had jobs to do.
In our closing session on Saturday, Carol left us with a challenge. She asked, “What are you going to do when you leave this conference?” She gave us some great ideas on becoming courageous leaders and also encouraged us to dream BIG as we move forward!!
Over the next few days, find a place where you can have an “Imagination Station” and take time to sit, think and hear ideas from God. It can be anywhere that works for you, preferably without distractions. Even if it’s 5-10 minutes, sitting alone with a pen and paper produces amazing God-inspired ideas. Ask Him where He would desire you to be one year from now. It might be to leave your job to work full-time in ministry, work with the Meade Agency on a video, or have a book proposal to present to a publisher at the next Speak Up Conference. (Remember, dream BIG!)
Write down ideas as come to you. In Habakkuk 2:2, we read God’s instruction to write the vision down. Make it plain and keep it in front of you. If it’s one goal or many little ones, it’s important to define them by writing them down.
Of course, it takes more than having a vision or writing down a dream—we have to work to see results. A farmer doesn’t just lounge in the backyard dreaming about the corn stalks in the fields producing an abundant harvest. No, he goes out and plows the fields, plants the seeds and tends to the crop while God makes it grow.
But be sure of this: It will take courage. It will take hard work. It will take prayer. Ask God to help release you of any fears and give you the courage to engage in what He has put before you entirely. Ask Him for faithfulness to stay on the path He has given you and encouragement to walk confidently.
Like the farmer, you need to put in some work for a bountiful harvest. You need to prepare the soil, plant the seeds and care for the crops. A bountiful harvest doesn’t happen overnight. You need to live out your vision—day in and day out.
Imagine how amazing it would be if we all experienced an abundant harvest by the 2019 conference! Imagine the changes that could take place in the Kingdom!
Want some extra “farm hands” to help you grow and achieve your goals? Proverbs 27:1 says “Iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” If you haven’t already joined the Speak Up Rocks Facebook group, join here. You will be encouraged and take your personal life and your ministry to the next level.
Have you been dreaming BIG since leaving the conference? What have you done to make sure your dreams and goals will not be forgotten? I’d love to hear how God speaks to you in your Imagination Station! Comment below!
Thanks, Shawna! This is very valuable content. We love having you and Carol Ensminger on our team!