Do you have a hard story that has become a God story? Have you thought of sharing it with your readers or audience to help them through their own hard story?
Moments ago, I came across this journal entry from the day that would have been my 50th wedding anniversary. My heart was tender. No gathering. No celebrations. No presents. But today, three gifts emerged from this journal—three reminders that God knows I needed today, and perhaps you do, too. They’re from His heart to mine, and now to yours, as I share some of that morning’s slightly-tear-stained journal pages:
June 22, 2019: Today would have been our 50th wedding anniversary. Fifty years ago on this day, I was a smiling young bride with a heart full of dreams. Thirty years later, when another bride replaced me, I watched those dreams die. I thought I would, too. But today I awoke with a grateful heart, thanking the Lord for His care—as my provider, protector, and peace-giver—and for His blessings these twenty years since that young bride’s dreams ended and new ones began.
I was determined to allow only happy thoughts to enter my mind as I read that journal entry. But God had some things to teach me yet. Again. Imagine that. ☺
If you have a “hard story,” I trust that these reminders will encourage you as you continue to communicate hope to others:
God’s Reminder #1: There’s “a time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance…” (Ecclesiastes 3:4).
When storms hit, I tend to want to skip past the mourning to get to the dancing; ignore the sadness to focus on the singing. And that can be a wise and godly choice. But sometimes, it may not be the best—or the most honest, healthy, or biblical choice. By not dealing with those emotions and giving them to the Lord, I allow the enemy to have a heyday with them, and with me. “Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you” (I Peter 5:10).
God’s Reminder #2: Without acknowledging the heart-hurt, we can’t point others to the heart-Healer.
If people who hear us speak or read our books know nothing of our sorrow, how can we testify to the Savior who brought us through—the One who can do the same for them? I believe we’re to neither dwell in the pain nor disregard it. God can use it for His glory, and for the good of His children. The psalmists, the apostle Paul, and other biblical writers have painted a sometimes-graphic picture of their battle so we can rejoice in the victory—and give glory to the Victor! “…It was not by their sword that they won the land, nor did their arm bring them victory; it was your right hand, your arm, and the light of your face, for you loved them” (Psalm 44:3).
God’s Reminder #3: When Jesus walks us through the storm, He brings us out the other side, stronger, more focused, and growing more in His likeness.
We have a powerful testimony, not based on who we are, but on who He is: Our Rescuer and Redeemer, who lifts us from the pit and sets us on a Rock…takes our broken and makes it beautiful…turns our mess into a message. It’s all about Him. He comforts and restores: “He heals the brokenhearted, binding up their wounds” (Psalm 147:2).
So here I am today, lifting the memories off the shelf momentarily, acknowledging both the heart’s aching and the heart’s healing—grieving the loss, yet being grateful for the gains.
- Am I sad that none of our loved ones will be gathering to celebrate today? Yes.
- Do I grieve the loss of my happily-ever-after dream for our family, and the shattered vows of “Till death do us part”? Absolutely.
- Am I grief-stricken or hopeless? No. I see now who God is and who I am; I know from where He has brought me, and who He has shown Himself to be through it all. And I am most grateful.
So today, dear friends, my heart is filled with hope from the Ultimate Hope-Giver to pass along to my audience, my readers—and to you, His faithful hope-giving communicators: “…in this world, you will have trouble but be of good cheer! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
Our story, His glory. Let’s spread the good word, shall we?
Question: Has God ever put someone next to you for the purpose of sharing your hard-story-turned-God-story? What was the result?

About Sandi Banks
Sandi Banks is a certified speaker, published author, and inspirational storyteller. She weaves biblical insights into her stories of struggle, adventure, and misadventure in forty countries and forty-plus years of life. Sandi teaches devotional writing at the Speak Up Conference. Her stories are published in numerous devotionals by Zondervan, Guideposts, Tyndale House, and others. Connect with Sandi at www.sandibanks.com and follow her on social media.
Sandi, thank you for your honesty, your transparency, and your willingness to give all of us who write and speak an opportunity to see how God can be glorified when we share our “hard stories” in a way that honors Him.
Thank you, Sandi Banks. Always a blessing to hear from you how God turns our hard stories into a testimony for his glory.
Thank you so much , Carol, for your encouraging words and the opportunity to share. May God be glorified!
Yvonne, thank you for your kind words, and for your own Broken to Beautiful story. Our God is awesome! 🥰
At 330 am I stumbled upon this post. I wonder if it’s a God thing. I have had a very hard story inside for a long time.
I have hoped and prayed the story would change. I’ve searched so hard to find someone who could help me tell my story, pull out exactly what my heart has been trying to say and bring it all back to God. I know others go through very similar and think it’s just them or that they are alone. I want to use my pain for His purpose. Again, stumbling upon this group in the wee hours of the morning I pray is God answering my prayer, that He lead me here to find my tribe that will help me write my story. Blessings, Connie
Bless you, Connie, and thank you for reaching out and responding. Yes, stumbling across this post and this group in the wee hours certainly does sound like a “God thing.” 🥰 Years ago, when my hard story had just hit, this Speak Up group was there for me. God used them to help me, in time, turn it into a God story and learn how to share it. God has used these amazing teachers and “sisters” in my life, all these years since, and I believe He could for you as well, in His perfect timing and way. Follow the link to Speak Up and see. I’m praying for you as you seek His guidance . Bless you!♥️
You sharing your hard story in written word may be a transitional moment in my life today. So beautifully and humbly expressed with a faith in God’s faithfulness and healing. I have a hard story and one I believe God has asked me to share, but I don’t know how. Your story is inspiring my soul. Thank you.
Oh Michele, how good God is to use this to speak to your heart in His perfect timing. Thank you for sharing your heartfelt message, and encouraging us all. Bless you as you follow His lead in sharing your own Hard Story to God Story. ♥️
Hi Sandi – thank you for your vulnerability & honesty. I love how the reader can sense your good heart in what you write, as well as your faith & strength.
Also like how you give God credit & glory in a real way without being overly effusive &/or trite.
I have a blog so I understand how complicated it can get trying to set the right tone; you do that well.
Thank you, Pearl, your encouraging words mean a lot. Blessings on you and your blog—it’s a privilege to join you in sharing His message with His people. ♥️
Sandi helped show me how to frame a bit of my own hard story. What an encourager she is! (And yes, the story was accepted from publisher.) I love her heart to help! Thank you, Sandi!
Thank you, Diane, you are always the encourager. 🤗 So glad to know how the Lord has blessed your writing. Such a joy having you in my workshop and mentoring time, and our stories together in devotionals. Blessings!
Thank you for your transparency and sharing your heart! I have multiple hard stories I’ve yet to write about but would love to get them down to share with others. The hope I have is only from our Savior and for that I am changed and forever grateful.
Hoping one day to start my journey of writing.
Thank you for the encouragement!
Marni, thank you for your encouraging words. I love your heart to use your hard stories to point others to Jesus, as He has brought hope to you. If you can make it to Speak Up 2024, you will find many wonderful people and resources to help you “start your journey of writing.” Bless you as you seek His direction. ♥️
I am very inspired by your sharing. I am still learning …..
I’m so thankful you found these words helpful, Mollie. Yes, God is still teaching us all, and that’s a good thing 😋. Bless you as you continue on your learning journey. ♥️